Continuing Education for Architects & LEED Professionals
The Importance of Materials Selection
in Circular Building
Americans love to own the latest in technology, fashion, and design. We are a consumer-driven society who tosses an item into the trash when the newest version hits the market. And, buying is so convenient...order an item on Amazon and receive it the next day.

In the 1970s, the phrase Reduce, Reuse, Recycle became popular to increase our awareness of the overflowing landfills. Today, this phrase has never been more important.

If you haven’t learned about a circular economy and its relationship to the built environment, you soon will. It takes Reduce, Reuse, Recycle to a new level.

Oxford defines a circular economy as “an economic system based on the reuse and regeneration of materials or products, especially as a means of continuing production in a sustainable or environmentally friendly way.”

A circular economy applies to the AEC industry more than any other.
Buildings are the largest consumers of natural resources. They are the greatest contributors to Green House Gases (GHGs). Construction and demolition create huge amounts of waste. A circular building prioritizes the reuse and regeneration of materials.

What does this mean for architects?...
Circular Building Case Study
The d.Hub Circular Building Toolkit publishes case studies of successful projects that support circular building. One US project features Google who set out to "consolidate assets across warehouses and get otherwise wasted furniture back into reuse – all within just 3 weeks." This resulted in "544.3kg total waste diverted from landfill (~0.6 tons).

Click HERE to read more about the Google case study and
others at the Circular Building Toolkit web site.
What is Net Zero and What Does It Mean for Architects?
Join us for a day dedicated to educating the architect, engineer, contractor, project owner, and specifier about building to net zero. Our subject-matter experts will discuss the basics of net zero and then move to specific strategies including energy considerations, materials selection, and code. We’ll end the day with a Q&A session where our panel of experts will answer your questions. 

Satisfies the five California Net-Zero credits in addition to
five AIA HSW and USGBC/CAGBC credits.
Did You Know
According the EPA, demolition creates 90% of C&D debris, while construction creates 10%.
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Upcoming March Live Online Seminars
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Mixed Topics
March 14
Central Time Zone
Durable Design Solutions
March 15
Eastern Time Zone
New Ideas and Innovation in Building Materials
March 16
North America
Building Green
March 28
Eastern Time Zone
Indoor Air Quality
March 29
North America
Commercial Building Solutions
March 30
Mountain and Pacific Time Zones
In-Person Education Coming to 14 Major Cities!
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Chicago, IL
March 7
Seattle, WA
March 9
Minneapolis, MN
April 4
New York, NY
April 6
Atlanta, GA
May 2
Boston, MA
May 4
Charlotte, NC
September 12
Baltimore, MD
September 14
Dallas TX
October 17
Portland, OR
October 19
Orlando, FL
November 7
Columbus, OH
November 9
Indianapolis, IN
December 5
Long Island, NY
December 7
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