CPI Train the Trainer Slots Open! 

We are able to offer an opportunity for a member of your staff to become a certified trainer for Nonviolent Crisis Intervention through the Crisis Prevention Institute. The staff member who attends this training can return to your agency and provide nonviolent crisis intervention training.

CPI Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® 2nd Edition Training provides staff with an effective framework for preventing, de-escalating, and safely responding to crisis behavior. The program will focus on what’s happening from two perspectives: the person in distress and the staff person. Participants will gain a broad range of tools to help them manage their own emotional responses and identify escalating behaviors in others. They’ll practice effective approaches to keep their “emotional brain” from taking over in stressful situations. They’ll also discover how having a plan before behavior escalates helps manage their fear and cultivate consistent practices.

We have a few slots open! It will be Tuesday, September 27th through Thursday, September 29th, 2022 at Stonewall Resort in Roanoke, WV. The training costs and room costs are covered; you will be responsible for travel and food. 

If you are interested and can attend,

please complete the survey below! 

CPI Interest Survey

If you have questions or concerns please reach out to Holly Glick Sly at glick4@marshall.edu