Great turnout for “Move the Goalposts” with Steve Marchand 

The Plymouth Area Democrats hybrid program on NH Senate District 7 was a great success with over 60 participants, both in-person and on Zoom. 

When asked the about how to reach low-information voters, guest speaker Steve Marchand’s definitive answer was “personal connection.” Steve said a piece of direct mail can “add half a point to a point for performance per piece.” A knock on the door that leads to a personal conversation “can result in an 18 to 20 point difference.” 

That's huge.

And that’s just what we need in some challenging districts, such as House District 6 — Orford, Wentworth, and Rumney. Grafton County Democrats held a successful canvassing effort on 10/28 in Orford. We need to do the same now in Wentworth. 

The first step is to get a bit of training. This doesn’t take long. Go to, and sign up. Then watch the short videos on the site. When you are done, attend one of two remaining Zoom workshops (Nov 6 or 11 at 7pm). And we will be ready to roll!

Let’s get a group together to get things going in Wentworth! It’s time to get rid of Free Stater Rep. Greeson and to grow the Democratic base in that town.


Over 100 grassroots leaders and volunteers from New Hampshire launched a "Write-In Biden" campaign on Monday, in advance of the New Hampshire primary in January.

The campaign will stress the importance of voting for Biden in the primary, since his name will not appear on the Democratic ballot. Sign up at the website and learn more. Biden Write-in Campaign

“New Hampshire will once again have the first-in-the-nation primary this winter,” said Kathy Sullivan, former NH Democratic Party Chair. “Writing in Joe Biden for President on the primary ballot is how New Hampshire voters can show the world our commitment to freedom, to standing up to the MAGA extremists, to keeping us safe and strong around the world, and to building an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top.” 

Here at Plymouth Area Democrats, we cannot officially endorse any Democratic candidate in a primary, but we can encourage our Democratic town residents to help with this project at the polls and in spreading the word. Sign up at the website and learn more. Biden Write-in Campaign.

This election cycle is like none that has ever come before it, and the stakes are high. Stay tuned for more on how you can help. 


Something bothering you? You can contact your Senate or House representative by emailing here.

Senate District 1: (Rumney, Ellsworth, Woodstock)

Senate District 2: (Thornton, Campton, Holderness, Ashland)

Senate District 3: (Lincoln, Waterville Valley)

Senate District 5: (Plymouth, Groton, Dorchester, Wentworth)

Senate District 7: (Hebron, Alexandria, Bridgewater, Bristol)


HD3: (Lincoln, Woodstock) Jerry Stringham

HD4: ( Ellsworth, Thornton, Waterville Valley) Heather Baldwin

HD6: (Wentworth, Rumney) Jeff Greeson (R–Free Stater)

HD7: (Campton) Tommy Hoyt

HD8: (Plymouth, Holderness, Ashland) Bill Bolton

Sallie Fellows

Peter Lovett

HD10: (Bridgewater, Bristol) Carroll Brown (R)

HD11: (Hebron, Groton, Alexandria) Lex Berezhney (R–Free Stater)

HD18: John Sellers (R)

GET TO KNOW THE GRAFTON COUNTY DEMOCRATS: The Grafton County Democrats publish a regular newsletter on legislative issues impacting our area. Sign up for their most recent newsletter. You can also follow GCD on Facebook.


DONATE TODAY to Plymouth Area Democrats' Act Blue account. Or send a check to the post office address below. Consider a monthly donation of any amount comfortable for you. We will need to rent an office next year, and with rents going ever higher, it will be an extensive expense. In addition, we will be helping each of our candidates with campaign expenses. Thank you for your generosity.

Plymouth Area Democrats

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