Next week we in the U.S. will celebrate a day of Thanksgiving. Our friends in Canada got a head start on us by celebrating in October. Thanksgiving started as a unique American experience and has spread northward. I wish it might spread across the world. In today's uncertain environment, one in which we are constantly bombarded with bad news, taking a moment to count our blessings sounds like a good idea to me.
Is your glass half empty or half full? Mine is running over with blessings. Most of our problems seem miniscule when compared to those of people in other countries. What DO we have to complain about?
As we prepare for the upcoming holiday season, we should start a list of blessings. Here's mine:
I am thankful for good health.
I am thankful for my husband and family.
I am thankful for my friends.
I am thankful for my clients.
I am thankful for you, my readers.
I am thankful that I get to work daily in the wonderful world of radio.
I am thankful for all the modern conveniences we enjoy daily.
I am thankful for my backyard, where I retire and meditate each evening in the summer.
I am thankful for my fireplace, where I retire and meditate each evening in the winter.
I am thankful that I feel the presence of a higher power daily in my life.
I am thankful for the beautiful red tree that lives down the block. I get to enjoy it each time I drive by.
I am thankful for the peace we enjoy in the U.S. No matter the small hiccups, we aren't dodging bombs nor do armed men assail us on a daily basis.
I am thankful that our founders had the foresight to create our Constitution. Although it has been under assault in the past few years, it still stands as one of the most incredible documents ever written. It provides us freedoms not shared by most of the world.
My list goes on and on. Does it sound trivial? Celebrating the small moments in life, the things we take for granted, creates a thankful heart. A thankful heart makes all our glasses not only half full, but running over.
As you gather with family and friends this Thanksgiving, I wish you happiness, health and a grateful heart.
Enjoy your turkey!