January 18, 2024
Dear friends,
Last weekend, our home state of Maine was hit by the second of two powerful back-to-back storms, bringing damaging winds and heavy rains to the coast and beyond. Because this storm peaked at the same time as astronomical high tide, Portland and other coastal areas experienced the highest water levels ever recorded. In South Portland, two iconic fishing shacks were washed into the ocean — far from the only beloved landmarks damaged, but a destruction which has become representative of the devastation wrought by the storm.
We know that weather events like this, until recently considered once-in-a-century or even less frequent occurrences, are now becoming ever more common. The news outlets will often report the damage as measured in financial terms, of course, but there are also the untold costs to wildlife and landscape and livelihood, as well as the often less-visible impacts to our souls and psyches.
In this climate-changed (and changing) world, we are grateful to have you as part of our community, and we're grateful for the climate-conscious spiritual leadership that you offer in your own communities. Together, we continue to navigate the changing times, and we support and accompany one another as we confront the challenging realities of our world. In the days and weeks ahead, we hope you will join us in whatever ways feel right to you.
In February, we'll launch the second cohort of our EcoSpiritual Leaders course with Kimberly Knight — a wonderful opportunity to delve deeply into what ecologically grounded spiritual leadership looks like in this moment. We'll also begin our Chaplaincy Conversation Circles, accompanied by a stellar team of facilitators, as well as hosting another of our Lament with Earth gatherings. And we're looking forward to our next cohort of Group Spiritual Direction Circles, starting in March!
Although we still have a long time before summer returns, it is never too early to start planning, especially when your young people are involved. This year, we're thrilled to be offering a Climate Justice Camp for teens in partnership with Pilgrim Lodge on beautiful Lake Cobbosseecontee in West Gardiner, Maine. Registration is now open, so please spread the word to any high schoolers you know!
We wish you warmth and coziness this January, and we hope to see you at some of our programs soon.
With best wishes,