Spring 2024 RFA for Pilot Project Proposals $25K & $50K
NC State/NIEHS CHHE is soliciting applications for pilot project proposals for this Spring. Applications are due by February 15, 2024 at 5:00PM. EDT. Applicants must submit a brief letter of intent along with a pre-proposal abstract or concept paragraph to chhepilotprogram@ncsu.edu by February 1, 2024, to ensure that the topic is relevant to the mission of CHHE.
Individual awards will range upwards to $25,000 (direct costs) for one year and CHHE expects to fund up to seven proposals. CHHE will also award up to two $50,000 proposals (direct costs) for dual-investigator, multi-disciplinary collaborative research which requires additional funding and separate budgets. CHHE full members can now use the Voucher Program Funds for STC or pathology services that are part of a CHHE pilot project.
The CHHE Pilot Project Program (PPP) fosters collaborations, increases interdisciplinary research and aids in the career development of early career investigators to advance environmental health research. The overarching goal of CHHE’s PPP is to provide support for research aimed at understanding the adverse impacts of environmental factors on human health and disease. The CHHE PPP encourages multidisciplinary/collaborative approaches and the use of CHHE’s cores and resources. The PPP has added a new program that supports community engaged projects. More details about the objectives of the PPP and RFA instructions and forms can be found at https://chhe.research.ncsu.edu/pilot-projects. Click here for application guidelines.