January 2024| Center for Human Health and the Environment

A Note from the Director

Happy New Year and welcome back! I hope you had a great break and enjoyed some time with family and friends. In late December, most of the core, program and RIG leads met with the CHHE admin team and Molly Puente, and her team in the Proposal Development Unit of the ORI, to develop sections of the center grant renewal. As a result, we developed an important CHHE SURVEY to capture member information needed in renewal tables. Please check your inbox for the survey that was sent to you by yours truly on Dec 20th (and possibly this morning)! Thank you to the 40+ of you that have already responded. We need all active, new, about to retire and other members to respond so that we have an accurate accounting of the career status, needs, and grant funding of the members, so that the CHHE is able to enhance your research capabilities in the future. In the survey we also ask you to affiliate yourself with the one or two Research Interest Groups and tell us how you like to meet. Our CHHE External Advisory Board is coming to visit and review the Center and our vision for the renewal in a few weeks - please plan to attend the open session on Jan 30 in TOX 2104 (AM) and 2102 (PM).  

Have you given an invited talk recently or published a paper that you wish to highlight? Please let us know by completing this form, CHHE Member News & Events. We want to highlight your work! 

Sue Fenton 

Toxicology Bldg. Rm 1104E

Upcoming Events

Jan. 12: Behavior & Neuroscience RIG Monthly Meeting 12:00PM DCL 123

Jan. 30: Open Session - CHHE External Advisory Board (EAB) Review 8:30AM-1:00PM Tox 2104; 1:00-4:00PM Tox 2102

Jan. 31: Closed Session - CHHE External Advisory Board (EAB) Review

Jan. 31: Environmental Health Disparities Monthly Meeting 3:00PM Zoom

SAVE THE DATE: 02/22/24

8th Annual CHHE Symposium

Perinatal Environmental Exposures and Later Life Disease:

Biological Targets and Mechanisms

Talley Student Union 8:30AM - 5:00PM

Add the CHHE Google Calendar to your calendar to never miss an event or opportunity!


Spring 2024 RFA for Pilot Project Proposals $25K & $50K 

NC State/NIEHS CHHE is soliciting applications for pilot project proposals for this Spring. Applications are due by February 15, 2024 at 5:00PM. EDT. Applicants must submit a brief letter of intent along with a pre-proposal abstract or concept paragraph to by February 1, 2024, to ensure that the topic is relevant to the mission of CHHE.

Individual awards will range upwards to $25,000 (direct costs) for one year and CHHE expects to fund up to seven proposals. CHHE will also award up to two $50,000 proposals (direct costs) for dual-investigator, multi-disciplinary collaborative research which requires additional funding and separate budgets. CHHE full members can now use the Voucher Program Funds for STC or pathology services that are part of a CHHE pilot project.  

The CHHE Pilot Project Program (PPP) fosters collaborations, increases interdisciplinary research and aids in the career development of early career investigators to advance environmental health research. The overarching goal of CHHE’s PPP is to provide support for research aimed at understanding the adverse impacts of environmental factors on human health and disease. The CHHE PPP encourages multidisciplinary/collaborative approaches and the use of CHHE’s cores and resources. The PPP has added a new program that supports community engaged projects. More details about the objectives of the PPP and RFA instructions and forms can be found at Click here for application guidelines.

Heather Patisaul Selected to Lead Division of Translational Toxicology as New Scientific Director

Heather Patisaul, Ph.D., brings expertise in endocrine disruption and research management to move NIEHS division forward.


Share the Good News!

Have you or someone in your research interest group or lab; received an award, served on a special committee, given an invited lecture, published a paper and/or completed a project recently? Please share the good news by completing this form

An announcement may be included in the newsletter and/or posted on the website.


Cite and acknowledge NIH award support and the CHHE’s P30 grant in future publications and presentations by including this –

“Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P30ES025128. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.”

Publications citing the Center grant in the acknowledgements of a manuscript and in the deposit of the manuscript in NIEMS are the currency for the P30 renewal!

CHHE Resources and Facilities Page for NIH Grants is available on the CHHE website.

PINS: When submitting your grants, be sure to select "Center for Human Health and the Environment" as the center in PINS.

Click here to check out CHHE cited publications!

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