The County is updating the Safety and Environmental Justice Elements of the 2020 Sonoma County General Plan and developing a new environmental justice element to comply with state law, modernize safety policies, and improve health in environmentally burdened and resource-poor areas.
The Board of Supervisors will hold a workshop Tomorrow - Tuesday July 23, 2024 at 1:30 PM for ongoing updates to the 2020 General Plan. The workshop will be an opportunity for the Board of Supervisors to provide input on policy ideas developed from community input and discuss priorities for General Plan updates.
The Board will review the policy frameworks that were developed based on key findings from the project background reports, state requirements and regulations, and community input. Policy frameworks are provided for the following topic areas:
- Extreme heat, water quality and drought
- Preparation and answer to the emergencies
- All Hazards – General Public Safety
Resilient landscapes (forest fires)
Sea level rise and resilience
- Other natural disasters (earthquakes and floods)
- Resilient and equitable infrastructure
- Healthy environments (pollution load)
- Healthy public facilities and physical activity
Access to healthy food
- Safe and sanitary housing
- Community Engagement and Language Access
Following the workshop, Permit Sonoma staff will continue to refine the Policy Frameworks into draft goals, policies, and implementation measures for the Safety and Environmental Justice Elements. The draft elements will be posted for public review before proceeding to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors for possible adoption.