October 27, 2023


Join us for a Thanksgiving dinner at camp! New England Base Camp on 11/11 will be offering Scouts-Giving. This will be a great opportunity for Scouts to recognize volunteers who help our camps and just enjoy camp.

Reserve Now

Scouting for Food

The Spirit of Adventure Council is excited to be providing Scouting for Food doorhangers as a resource for unit food drives!! The concept of the doorhangers is the unit leaves them on the doors or in the mailboxes of the neighborhoods they intend to collect food on a Saturday. The food is collected the following Saturday.


Hunger. It's a way of life for an increasing number of families. Many face hopeless decisions around paying for medicine, heat or food. Groups providing assistance struggle with increasing requests and shrinking resources. The Boy Scouts of America answer this call by collecting food and supporting community agencies that fight hunger.


Where many Food Banks usually were fine with food this time of year, however, there has been a strong need for food donations right now.  

Order Door Hangers Here

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) 2024 - Storer NYLT

NYLT is a week-long outdoor leadership training program for youth leaders developed by the Boy Scouts of America and conducted by Spirit of Adventure Council and other councils around the country. A highly trained youth staff under the supervision of adult advisors set the example in modeling the core learning and leadership messages of the National BSA NYLT syllabus. Scouts must be 14 or completed 8th grade and have unit leader's recommendation to attend. Held at T.L. Storer, Barnstead, NH - June 30-July 5

Register Now

Wood Badge

Wood Badge is Scouting's premier training course. Baden-Powell designed it so that Scouters could learn, in as practical a way possible, the skills and methods of Scouting. It is first and foremost, learning by doing. The members of the course are formed into patrols and these into a troop. The entire troop camps in the outdoors, camping, cooking their own meals, and practices Scout skills while honing their leadership and teamwork.

The Course occurs over 2 weekends:

4/12-4/14/2024 & 5/18-5/19/2024

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Eagle Dinner

Save-the-date - January 4th, 2024. Join us as we celebrate the Eagle Class of 2023.

One more month of open program left until Winter!

New England Base Camp Day Pass - Standard Admission

 Adventure day is an opportunity for children and their families to come to New England Base Camp and participate in the programs we offer at their own pace. Programs include archery, B.B., sports, axe throwing, and S.T.E.M. activities. While New England Base Camp welcomes all ages, some activities are restricted to certain age groups. All equipment, program supplies, and safety gear are provided.

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Calendar of Events

10/28 - Pumpkin Festival & Haunted Scout Camp - Milton, MA

10/28 - Aware & Care Adventure 

10/28 - Den Leader Specific Training - Chelmsford, MA

10/28 - Cubmaster Specific Training - Chelmsford, MA

10/28 - Pack Committee Specific Training - Chelmsford, MA

11/4 - Adventures in Coins Adventure

11/4-5 - IOLS Training - Chelmsford, MA

11/6 & 11/9 - Personal Management Merit Badge Online 

11/11 - Scouts-Giving at NEBC, Milton, MA

11/13 & 11/16 - Camping Merit Badge Online

11/18 - Family Life Merit Badge

11/18 - Art Explosion Adventure 

11/21 - Music Merit Badge Online

11/27 & 11/30 - Citizenship in the Community Online

12/2 - First Aid Merit Badge

Spirit of Adventure Council

Customer Service Center 

2 Tower Office Park

Woburn, MA 01801

(617) 615-0004


New England Base Camp

411 Unquity Rd.

Milton, MA 02186

(617) 615-0004

Contact Us