A newsletter brought to you by the CDOIQ Asia-Pacific Symposium
Highlights of CDOIQ APAC 2023 Symposium
We have a stellar line-up of speakers for the CDOIQ APAC symposium. Expect to hear from seasoned CDOs, CIOs and CAOs, well-established academics, and government representatives. Below are some speakers featured for our symposium. You can see the complete line-up of speakers at
Furthermore, we look forward to at least two panel discussions on the following themes: (1) Best Practices in Data Quality and Privacy; (2) Data Governance and Ethics.
If you are thinking of sponsoring or speaking at the symposium, contact quickly. The symposium will be here in about 3 months!
Register now for the
Inaugural CDOIQ-APAC Symposium
The Inaugural CDOIQ-APAC Symposium will be held virtually and in-person on May 17-18, 2023 at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Featured Speaker: Marcus Hartmann, PwC
Marcus Hartmann
As a proven data expert, Marcus has spent his entire career in the data and analytics industry, helping companies to move more easily and quickly into a data-rich world and to develop and implement new data-driven business models.
He joined PwC Germany in August 2019 and established the first PwC Chief Data Office and the Digital Factory Products & Data Assets in Europe. He has experience in working with multinational and cross-functional teams in the US, EMEA and Asia Pacific. Currently, Marcus leads a team of over 120 data, software and digital experts to establish and grow the foundations for efficient and scalable data use within the firm, as well as the realization of highly-scalable, market oriented data products, and new digital business models.
Throughout his career, Marcus has gained expertise in building operational structures and processes for data-driven businesses with a focus on the data office and product areas, as well as designing and implementing data strategies and enterprise-wide data management frameworks. This includes (data) exploration, cataloging, anonymization, quality, governance, ecosystems, master data management and data policy as well as the definition and implementation of a digital product strategy for data and AI-driven products and services. 
Featured Sponsor - MicroStrategy
Previously, we featured Cigna, Denodo, Imperva, and Thoughtworks, and for this volume, we have MicroStrategy.
MicroStrategy is the largest independent publicly traded analytics and business intelligence company. The MicroStrategy analytics platform has been rated as the best in enterprise analytics and is used by many of the world’s most admired brands in the Fortune Global 500. One of our key corporate strategies is to grow our enterprise analytics software business to promote our vision of Intelligence Everywhere. For more information about MicroStrategy, visit
Privacy Data Protection Commission (PDPC) - Supporting Partner
The Privacy Data Protection Commission (PDPC) is a supporting partner of CDOIQ Asia Pacific Symposium

An initiative by the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA), Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) is held annually by its members to promote awareness of privacy and personal data protection issues. CDOIQ Asia Pacific 2023 Symposium will be one of the featured events in conjunction with the Singapore PAW, led by the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC).
The PDPC is part of the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and serves as Singapore’s main authority in matters relating to personal data protection and represents the Singapore Government internationally on data protection related issues.
The PDPC will continue to promote and regulate data protection, as the use of data becomes more pervasive. This will ensure that public confidence in the private sector’s use of personal data is safeguarded, even as companies increasingly leverage the data they collect as a source of competitive advantage.
CDOIQ Goes Global
At CDOIQ, we have made it our mission to advance the knowledge and accelerate the adoption of the role of Chief Data Officer (CDO) in all industries and geographical countries.

We host the International Chief Data Officer and Information Quality Symposium (CDOIQ), which is one of the key events for sharing and exchanging of cutting edge ideas, content and discussions. As Data is a critical aspect of every organization, the symposium is focusing on the management and leadership of this critical element for the 21st century that will benefit every organization.

With that, we are thrilled to announce that we are bringing the Symposium that will connect CDOs and promote the sharing and improvement of data quality globally!

CDOIQ-Latin America: March 14, 2023
CDOIQ-Asia Pacific: May 17-18, 2023
CDOIQ-Europe: September 14, 2023
CDOIQ-Nordic: February 6, 2024
CDOIQ-South Africa: June 3-4, 2024

About Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Young and research intensive, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has 33,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students in engineering, business, science, humanities, arts, social sciences, education and medicine. Ranked among the world’s top universities, NTU is home to world-class institutes – the National Institute of Education, S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Earth Observatory of Singapore, and Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering.

Besides being reputed as one of the world’s most beautiful campuses, the NTU Smart Campus is a living testbed of tomorrow’s technologies and a model of sustainability, with 61 Green Mark Platinum awards for its building projects.In addition to its main campus in the western part of Singapore, NTU also has a medical campus in Novena, Singapore’s healthcare district.
8 Strategies for Chief Data Officers to Create — and Demonstrate — Value
by Thomas H. Davenport, Richard Y. Wang, and Priyanka Tiwari
January 31, 2023

The CDO role is poorly understood, and incumbents of the job have often met with diffuse expectations and short tenures. There is a clear need for CDOs to focus on adding visible value to their organizations. The authors suggest eight strategies for CDOs to create — and show — value for their companies: assume responsibility for analytics and AI, focus on data products, measure and document results, build relationships with peers and business leaders who get it, focus on data governance, work on creating a data-driven culture even though it’s difficult to show value quickly, build analytics and data infrastructure, and focus on a few key projects of value to stakeholders. Read full article here.