After much planning and behind-the-scenes work, we are happy to announce that the RI Seafood Marketing Campaign has officially launched!

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Thank you for your participation! This effort could not be possible without your business's commitment to sourcing RI seafood in your retail spaces and restaurants.

The campaign's goals are to raise awareness of RI seafood to increase sales, demand, and consumption of local seafood by Rhode Islanders and help achieve a more sustainable and secure local seafood system.

Throughout this effort, we will be highlighting the many benefits of RI seafood via multiple media channels and promoting all of the opportunities for consumers to access RI seafood, including your business!

Fishing Vessel

What to expect

  • Monthly projections of available species
  • Seafood finder map with listed participants
  • Fishline App
  • Marketing materials and toolkit
  • Recipes
  • Fishermen profiles & more


C: (619) 278-8275

RI Seafood Marketing Collaborative Website

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