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Early Bird Tickets Now Available! 

Silicon Valley has some of the fastest growing cities in America with more Fortune 500 companies than any other region in the world!

This Signature Event is a breakfast event featuring the current sitting Mayors from up to three of Silicon Valley’s cities. The cities represented change from year to year. It is an up-close-and-personal event.

Invited Speakers:

San Jose Mayor - Sam Liccardo 

Santa Clara Mayor - Lisa Gillmor 

Cupertino Mayor - Darcy Paul 

Click here to attend
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Need More Exposure This Summer?

What is CVB & How it Can Help!

Does your business benefit from tourists, travelers, and transplants to Silicon Valley? If so, the SVC Chamber’s Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) is the place for you.


The CVB Council focuses on growing business in the Silicon Valley region with discussions on how CVB Members can take advantage of that business growth. We work with convention centers, travel agencies, conference venues, and tourism destinations all over the region to grow the tourism, traveler, and transplant industry together; so, we all succeed by increasing our bottom lines together. 


This is the only Council within the SVC Chamber that has annual dues. Though non-SVC Chamber members can join this Council without joining the SVC Chamber, annual Council dues are significantly less for SVC Chamber Members. 


Learn More & Join!

Upcoming Events


The Chamber will be taking a brief break from events for the month of July.


08.03.22 - Women in Business | Triton Museum | 6pm

08.08.22 - Santa Clara Business Council | SVC Chamber | 3pm 

08.18.22 - Maximize your Membership & Get Involved Workshop | 4pm


09.01.22 - SVPY Meet-Ups | 6pm

09.08.22 - SVC Connect | BBQ Bash | 4pm

Upcoming Events

Break The Glass Ceiling and Power Your Leadership Growth

with Srijata Bhatnagar

Are you a leader grappling with gender stereotypes that are hampering your growth, freedom, and happiness?

Do you feel you are not getting your due at home and work, simply because you are a woman?

Are you unsure how to overcome this problem and grow the way you want to?

If you said YES to even one of these questions, come listen to Srijata Bhatnagar to help you break those internal and external biases, stereotypes, glass ceilings, and SOAR even higher! 

Her talk is based on her latest book, SOAR! which contains the essence of the powerful, practical knowledge that she has gained from the deep research on the glass ceiling effect and the limiting stereotypes women leaders face every day. From this talk, you will learn the mindset, processes, and tools you can use to break through the glass ceiling and achieve growth and success in the face of all odds. 

At the end of the speech, the participants will walk away with a digital toolkit that can help them break their setbacks and power their leadership growth.

Register Now

We're here for you!

We have a vast network of members, services, and resources to serve you. Reach out to your SVC Chamber ambassadors at any time with questions you may have.

AVI GINGOLD                          MARCIA SHEA      

(408 ) 230-9106                   (408) 401-2862


(650) 669-7083                     (408) 247-4010


(408) 903-0766                       (510) 367-7445

SVC Chamber Ambassador Liaison:


(408) 244-8244

As your SVC Chamber Ambassadors, we are here to connect you to the resources available through the SVC Chamber and its Members.

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