1st Opportunity for Public Comment- Financial Framework Subcommittee Recommendation

Recently, the Board established the Financial Framework Subcommittee (“Subcommittee”). As part of its deliberations, the Subcommittee has been considering data and lessons learned from the FY2019-FY2022 audit cycles and stakeholder feedback. 

At its meeting on January 4, 2024, the Subcommittee finalized its recommendation to the full Board regarding changes to the Board’s Financial Performance Framework (“financial framework”), including the financial framework’s measures, measure targets and measure calculations, and the schedule for implementing these changes (“Subcommittee Recommendation”). Further, the Subcommittee directed Board staff to solicit public comment on the Subcommittee Recommendation and to place the matter on the Board’s February 12, 2024 agenda, at the earliest, for the second opportunity for public comment and consideration and possible action by the full Board. 

You may access the Subcommittee Recommendation here. 

The window for the first opportunity for public comment will be open January 9, 2024 – January 29, 2024.

All public comment received by January 29, 2024 using this Google form will be presented to the Board and members of the public will have an additional opportunity to provide comment to the Board at the meeting during which the Board considers the Subcommittee Recommendation.

ASBCS Online Email Notifications

Board staff has started sending official notifications through the new ASBCS Online system. These emails may initially be delivered to the Charter Representative's SPAM folder; therefore, please check your SPAM folder and mark the sender as "safe" or add to your contacts to ensure that you receive all notifications timely.

Compliance Statement of Assurance Deadline Reminder

Don’t forget that the Compliance Statement of Assurance (“CSA”) is due by January 17, 2024. Thank you to those that have already submitted. Also, we wish to express our appreciation to those that have been diligently reviewing the document to ensure compliance. Board staff has received many great questions in the last few weeks, and are happy to partner with you in learning and completing the form. If you have any questions about the information in the CSA or uploading your document, be sure to reach out to your assigned Education Program Manager.

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The next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 12, 2024 at 10:00am.