A Message from

Pastor Peter

Every seventh year you shall grant a remission of debts. And this is the manner of the remission: every creditor shall remit the claim that is held against a neighbor, not exacting it of a neighbor who is a member of the community, because the Lord’s remission has been proclaimed. – Deuteronomy 15:1-2 

As God communicates the law to the people through Moses in the book of Deuteronomy, God sets in place a way for debts to be regularly relieved. God desires that no one fall into the cycle of debt that can keep people financially trapped so God sets forth this law: that every seven years all debts within the community shall be forgiven.  

As you know, this summer we partnered with a group of churches through THEE Alliance to relieve medical debt through RIP Medical Debt. We have recently heard from RIP Medical Debt that our donations of $11,680.17 was used to forgive $728,116.97 of debt in Minnesota. You can see all the neighbors we have helped through this chart here: Advent Lutheran Debt Relief


Each line of this chart is a story: a story of one of our neighbors, an illness they suffered through, and a debt they incurred. It is also a story of suffering under debt, of hard work to pay it off, and of being stuck in predatory lending cycles. But thanks to your faithful generosity, each line is also a story of forgiveness and relief, of opportunities found, or the possibility of new dreams.  

Thank you so much for your generosity to this important work!  

Pastor Peter 

Stewardship 2023 - "Faith that Rocks the World"

In  October we will launch our stewardship appeal. Check your mailbox next week for a letter detailing all the exciting things we hope to accomplish in 2023.



YTD Received: $516,057

YTD Goal: $576,267

Advent Members,

Your general giving supports our ministry and operations. Every contribution, no matter the monetary value, is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your ongoing support of Advent!



Hoodies, fleece vest and jackets, and polos embroidered with Advent’s logo are available for $32-38. 


All proceeds go to benefit the Summer 2023 Service Learning Project to the North Shore. Thank you for your support! 


Shop HERE 

Sunday October 30

3 - 4:30 pm

Advent parking lot

Trunk or Treat is a great alternative (or addition) to the traditional trick or treat for Halloween. Think of trunk or treat as a Halloween tailgate party. Instead of kids going door-to-door to get candy, they walk through a parking lot and go trunk-to-trunk. The trunk of your car becomes your front porch.

Sign-up to provide a trunk here!

Participants will usually decorate their trunks or cargo areas with Halloween décor or a theme of some sort but can be as simple as putting a pumpkin next to your open trunk or wearing a costume as you pass out treats.

What makes this activity appealing to parents, especially with young children, is these events are geared towards younger children. Parents often feel it is safer than going door-to-door, and it can also be one more time children can wear their costumes. Questions? or 763-443-2326

Service Learning Trip 

North Shore, Minnesota 

Thursday July 13 - Sunday July 16, 2023 


Open to all ages! 

(Children 6 years-grade 6 must be accompanied by an adult.) 


The rugged beauty of the North Shore of Lake Superior is a breathtaking example of the glory of God’s creation.  


Join us on this service trip to work on cleaning up and clearing hiking trails. We will stay at a local school or church, share meals, have some learning time, and top it all off with lots of fun and laughter! 


Cost: TBD, likely under $200/person, fundraising will be an option.

Interested? Sign up here to receive stay updated on details!

People of Advent: North Shore Service Trip (

Cindy Paulson, Director of Faith Formation

Sunday Church School

This year children ages 3 years old through 5th grade will begin Sunday Church School in Worship, and then, prior to the sermon, transition to a special activity with Cindy Paulson, Director of Faith Formation. After the activity children will return to worship to celebrate communion with their families. Parents are invited to attend Church School with their children if they wish to help.

To make it easier for parents young children we have reserved the pews near the prayer for families. 

Confirmation Schedule

Confirmation began with a parent meeting on September 14 and are continuing through May 3, 2023, 6:30 – 7:45 pm

(we begin each Wednesday evening class in worship)

Confirmation is In-Person only.

It's not too late to register!

Register for Confirmation 2022 - 2023  

Worship at Advent

Join us for worship!

Sundays, 9:30 am

Our Sunday Worship Services are continuing indoors. Livestream services are available through the following link, Watch Online.

Other details:

Once on the website for livestreaming worship, you can click Worship Recordings to see or share a worship service again.

The Give link provides a place for you to make a monetary donation to Advent’s mission. 

Wednesday Evening Worship

In the sanctuary at 6:30 pm

Tech help needed on Sunday morning!

We need additional help on Sunday mornings.

Adults, kids, and teens ages 12 and up are encouraged to volunteer.

If you are able to help occasionally (or often!), please email Jordy Anderson.

Advent is volunteering to help with Loaves and Fishes on Tuesday, September 27 at Holy Rosary Catholic Church,

(2424 18th Avenue South, Minneapolis). 

We have two shift options for volunteers:

  • Cooking: 2:30 to 5:00 pm (assist site coordinator in cooking and packaging a pre-planned meal

  • Serving and Clean-Up: 4:45 to 7:00 pm (packaging and serving to-go meals, cleaning up)

This large site that consistently serves at least 125 meals a night, and they always need more help!

If you'd like to volunteer for either or both shifts on the September 27, please email, email, text, or call

Chelsey Shoup:; 612-719-0361.

Volunteers ages 10 and up are encouraged top participate!

Carpooling from Advent can be arranged, as needed.

Osseo Area Schools Homeless Student Program

Gift of Love 

July to September

Our Gift of Love for July through September will help bring supplemental support to this program.

Thank you for your generous donations! Thank you for joining us on Welcome Sunday to help build hygiene kits. The dunk tank was a hit, and ALL proceeds will go to Osseo program for youth experiencing homelessness.

We continue to collect personal hygiene items. We are looking specifically for more sample size shampoo/conditioner. You can also contribute by giving gift cards and monetary donations towards this effort. You can drop off in-kind donations in the lobby at church. Monetary donations can be given during the offering or made online here: Give to Advent Lutheran Church.

What Is Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is not just physical violence that leaves visible marks, it is the exertion of power and control over another person which can be in the form of yelling, humiliation, stalking, manipulation, coercion, threats, and isolation. Examples are stealing paychecks, keeping tabs online, non-stop texting, constant use of the silent treatment, constant put downs, or unrealistic expectations.

At the adult forum on October 2 after services, Kari Hitchock will describe how these various forms of abuse are perpetrated on victims and how we at Advent can help. She is employed at Home Free Women and Children’s Shelter in Plymouth, Minnesota. 

Contact Jane Warren with questions.

Serving our

property & grounds

A lot has changed with our property & grounds over the last few years. Our building was essentially closed for a time and projects had been postponed. Now that we are back in the building, we need to rebuild our property and grounds crew support. If you are able to help on an ongoing, one-time, or now-and-then basis, please contact Ted Wurtz

Thrivent Choice Dollars

Choosing to have Advent Lutheran to receive your Thrivent Choice Dollars directly affects worship, programming, and ministry. Thank you!

How to Direct Thrivent Choice Dollars to Advent

South door portico installation

Portico definition: a covered entrance to a building; porch; a covered walkway in the form of a roof supported by columns or pillars, esp one built on to the exterior of a building.

Great news! Our portico is slated to begin installation some time this fall. The portico promises to be a beautiful and helpful addition to our welcoming church. And, the addition of heated sidewalks significantly reduces fall risks during winter months. Due to increased cost, we are not updating the vestibule. Look for updates in the ADVENTure!

Take a look at the plans HERE!


Prayer is our personal connection with God and guides us individually and as a church. It is a vital part of our faith life, and an important way we can continue to minister to one another in this time of social distancing. We know that God hears our prayers and will empower us to see God’s will in our lives! 

Pray for our church and our world this week: for our community as we come together for worship each week; for doctors and nurses as they work to control new COVID variants and tend to patients with delayed treatments; for all of us as we work to continue to stay safe during this time in the pandemic; for our community as we seek ways to live justly and safely together, and for all people on our weekly prayer list:

Jan N., Mary B., Mark P., Pat D., Linda G., Pettie B., Sally L.,

Sherry B., Rick D., Jim S., Barb H., Tracy S., Amy J., Gary W., Joanne M., and for all to be blessed by the Holy Spirit's faith.

Pray for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people that they may be safe and surrounded by love and prayer during this turbulent and painful time.

(Due to privacy concerns and internet safety protocol, we cannot publish last names.) For confidential prayer requests, please e-mail our Prayer Chain leaders.

Pastoral Care - Easy to Schedule!

We have an easy way to request an appointment for a one-on-one conversation with a pastor.

Simply go to You will see a request form. Fill in the requested information and select a time, and one of the pastors will reach out to confirm the appointment with you.

In the case of an emergency:

** Call the church office.

** In the event the church office is closed, please call the church office, 763-425-4243, and you will be directed to a way to reach a pastor.

Bible Study Opportunities

  • Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study is every Thursday, at 9:30 am in the Good Shepherd Room. This is a weekly lay-led Bible Study and we are studying the book of LukeWe are on Chapter 18 of the Lifeguide Study, “Luke, New Hope, New Joy”. If you would like more information, please contact Jan Christofferson, 763-493-8578. Knowledge of the Bible is not required - we are enjoying learning together the joy of the Lord as we study His Word. Zoom link to Bible Study