Dear Church Family,

On Sunday, January 7, the Church Board hosted a Forum to present information and receive feedback from the congregation regarding the building for sale on Greenwood Street. During this meeting, the Board shared an appraisal of our current property, vision for the potential property, financial needs, and a virtual tour of the building. We were grateful that many from the church family came and both listened and shared personal perspectives.

The resources that were shared on the 7th are available here for your review:

During our Concert of Prayer last evening, we joined together in asking for the Holy Spirit's guidance as we seek God's will in this decision. We prayed that we would discern well, that those leading the process would have renewed energy, that our body would have unity, and that we would be true to the mission of HBIC (past and present as the Lord leads). Please continue praying for our Church Board and the task forces that will be involved in further investigation of this opportunity. May God be glorified through Harrisburg BIC Church in the midst of our conversations and decisions!

In Christ's Service,

HBIC Church Board

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