YES I BELIEVE Fall is here!
I can feel it. It’s in the cooler, almost cold weather in the mornings. It is the handful of leaves that are dancing across my yard. It’s the urge I have to clean my closet and look at all my sweaters. I feel the transition into the hustle and bustle of this season, with Halloween and Christmas decorations already showing up in stores and people, well me for sure, eagerly crafting my holiday "to do” and “wish” list.
I do love this time of year but it can get overwhelming. I need to learn to pace myself so that I can accomplish all the hundreds of tasks and still enjoy all the moments! Life is about enjoying the moments right?
Yes I have already begun my shopping. I don’t know about you but I am always wanting to come up with unique and creative Christmas Presents. When I was a kid and into my teen years, I always wanted to make my gifts. I enjoyed that process of using my hands to create something special for the people in my life.
Yes you have heard me say this before and I will say it again..Music and Art lessons make a GREAT gift!! Having music and art in ones life is one of the greatest gifts…and guess what?? I know JUST the place that you can get them (-:
Yes, this is a “commercial” for our school AND, we yes, we really do believe in and see the life long value of what we do here.
Music and Art do so much for the human spirit and soul. Just ask anyone who is a musician or artist and they will tell you, and, you will get so many different answers about why this is true. You don’t have to do any of this professionally either. You do not have to be paid to be a musician or an artist.
Honestly I believe we all have musicians and Artists living inside us. I have read so much about creativity and how free we all were/are as kids and how our society just wants to squeeze that creative spirit right out of us. When I decided that I wanted to be “a singer”, man did the nay-sayers all around me appear. I’m glad that I did not listen to any of them.
SO- get someone you love some music or art classes for Christmas…OR, treat yourself to this amazing gift!