North Texas' largest, most welcoming assembly of business leaders in finance, helping each other excel.
Jay Smith
FEI Dallas Chapter President


Welcome to the 2022-23 year of FEI Dallas! I hope your summer is sailing smoothly along and you and yours can take some time off. Even though summer is upon us and people are back to travelling and getting out and about, things have not slowed down for us. The board met for our annual planning meeting in June and all chapter committees are in the midst of planning great upcoming events and programs for our members and sponsors. Read more
Connecting With Your FEI Dallas Chapter Colleagues
A very exciting Summer Professional Development Series is in the works with programs presented by our Academic Partners: University of Dallas, University of North Texas, The University of Texas at Dallas, and Emerging Academic Partner Paul Quinn College. We are so grateful for their participation and contributions to FEI Dallas. 

SPECIAL BENEFIT FOR FEI DALLAS MEMBERS: Bring your financial staff at no charge! See instructions for Guests at the registration site.
06.30.22 | 2 CPEs
Cost Volume Profit Analysis plus Technology in Healthcare
Presented by The University of Texas at Dallas
CPE processed through FEI’s CPE Center once credits are released.
07.20.22 | Up to 2 CPEs
Transforming a Community, Providing Opportunities
Presented by Paul Quinn College
CPE processed through FEI’s CPE Center once credits are released.
08.03.22 | 7:30-9:45 a.m. | 2 CPEs
Location: University of Dallas, SB Hall, Room 122 Multi-Purpose Room, Irving
FASB Update: Status of Current Projects, Future Projects, and Standards Under Post-Implementation Review
Presented by the University of Dallas
The FASB Update session will provide you with the standard setting process status of current projects, changes to FASB’s technical agenda, and possible future projects resulting from the FASB’s recently issued 2021 FASB Agenda Consultation Report. Once new standards are issued, FASB initiates a post-implementation review process (PIR). Currently, Topics 606 (Revenue), 842 (Leases), and 346 (Credit Losses) are under PIR, and the PIR stage of each of these topics will be discussed.
Susan Rhame, Ph.D., CPA | Interim Dean and Associate Professor of Accounting, Gupta College of Business
Jennifer Bannister, Ph.D., CPA | Assistant Professor of Accounting, Gupta College of Business
08.16.22 | 8:00-10:30 a.m. | 2 CPEs
Location: UNT Inspire Park, Frisco
Metaverse: The Next Frontier of Digital Transformation?
Presented by the University of North Texas
Digital transformation is the integration of technology into all areas of a business. For those organizations that do it correctly, it can change how they delivery value to their customers. The next frontier of digital transformation promises to be the Metaverse. In this session, we will first cover the process of digital transformation and the benefits it can provide. We will then bring some clarity to the notion of the Metaverse, and discuss how business organizations are positioning themselves to gain a foothold within the virtual realm in an attempt to gain a competitive advantage. 
James Parrish, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor, Department of ITDS, G. Brint Ryan College of Business
Monthly Chapter Meetings will resume in September for the 2022-23 chapter year. In the meantime, FEI Dallas has several events scheduled over the summer months for education, socializing, and keeping your FEI network vibrant.
Meetings are in person on 2nd Mondays at Northwood Club in North Dallas unless otherwise noted. Meetings start at 4:00 p.m. with a Professional Development session followed by a Networking Social and Dinner Meeting with the Keynote presentation. There is no monthly meeting in December or from May-August when other special events are scheduled.

Information on previous meetings including recordings and presentation files (with speaker permission) and attendance lists are available in the EVENTS LIBRARY at the chapter website.
2022-23 FEI Dallas Chapter Monthly Meeting Schedule
Monthly Chapter Meetings are held in person at Northwood Club in North Dallas on 2nd Mondays September-April except December unless otherwise indicated. CPE credit is available to all attendees via FEI’s online CPE Center.
September 12
October 10
November 14
January 9
February 13
March 6 | First Monday due to Spring Break conflicts
April 10
Monthly Career meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month year-round. Career meetings are open to FEI Dallas Chapter members, employed or unemployed. In addition to helping job seekers, the Career Management group can assist employed members with skills needed to excel at their current position, plan for their next opportunity, and find solid qualified applicants for openings on their financial team.
08.16.22 | 5:30-8:00 p.m. (Central) | 1.5 CPEs | SAVE THE DATE
Monthly Career Management Meeting with FENG | IN PERSON
Sherry Lane Place, 5956 Sherry Lane, Dallas | Ground Floor Conference Room
Free parking if departing after 6:00 p.m.

Open to members of FEI Dallas and Fort Worth, and DFW FENG members
CPE credit available to FEI members with advance registration, FENG members are not eligible for CPE
Pre-registration at the FEI Dallas Chapter website required for CPE eligibility | Registration pending
2022-23 FEI Dallas Career Management Monthly Meeting Schedule
FEI Dallas Monthly Career Management Meetings are held in association with The Financial Executives Networking Group (FENG).
July 19
August 16
September 20
October 18
November 15
December 20
January 17
February 21
March 21
April 18
May 16
June 20
08.04.22 | 8:00 a.m. (Central) | 1 CPE | Presented by Moss Adams
R&D Tax Credits: Food, Beverage, and Agribusiness Companies
Navigate R&D tax credits available to food, beverage, and agribusiness companies and qualified expenses and activities these credits can apply to.
Josh Harbin, CPA | Senior Manager, Moss Adams
Liddy Steele, JD, LLM | Senior Manager, Moss Adams
08.18.22 | 8:00 a.m. (Central) | 1 CPE | Presented by Moss Adams
Economic Update: A Potential Return to Low Inflation
Explore pandemic considerations and policy responses, regional outlooks, how the Federal Reserve is attempting to combat inflation, and more.
John W. Mitchell | Owner, M&H Economic Consultants
08.25-26.22 | 10.5 CPEs | Presented by Moss Adams
CONFERENCE | The Westin Denver Downtown
2022 Telecommunications Management Conference
Explore key success strategies to help you compete and stay ahead of change in an increasingly complex telecommunications industry.
09.13.22 | 12:00 noon (Central) | 1.5 CPEs | Presented by BDO USA, LLP
BDO’s Healthcare Hot Topics Webinar Series: September 2022
BDO’s Healthcare Hot Topics Webinar Series is designed to help healthcare executives stay on top of timely and relevant accounting, auditing, reporting and business insights. The series is produced and delivered by The BDO Center for Healthcare Excellence and Innovation. 1.5 hours of CPE may be earned for each of the events.
Steven Shill | Partner & National Leader, The BDO Center for Healthcare Excellence & Innovation
FEI webinars – Many webinars offering CPE credit are free to FEI members.
FERFPros – Subscriptions for FERFPros online learning are available at no charge to new FEI members in the In Transition membership category. Contact: Laura Castle, 973-765-1030 or
FEI On Demand Courses – FEI is currently offering FEI members complimentary access to the Leadership Master Classes and Deep Listening in a Digital Age. Click the link for more information and be sure you are logged in under your member credentials.
FEIconnect is an online network exclusively for members of FEI and association staff. FEI members can use the site to network with others who share their interests, specialties, or questions.
FEI’s COVID-19 Dashboard – Insights into the COVID-19 crisis and how financial executives are responding.
The financial support of our Chapter Sponsors is key to continuing to raise the bar on member value, and we are grateful for their participation. We encourage members to consider these companies first when a need arises for their services. Click on a logo below to go to the company website.
Chapter Title Sponsor
Strategic Partners

Special Events Partner
Platinum Sponsors
Special Partners
Academic Partners
Emerging Academic Partner
Communications Sponsors
Membership Information