Dear CEE Community and Friends,
I hope your new year is off to a good start.
This month’s newsletter highlights an exhibit created by Prof. Lydia Bourouiba and artist Argha Manna, aiming to teach the public about the history of infectious diseases through comics. We highlight the personal and professional relationships formed through the CEE Rising Stars Workshop, and MIT News looks back on their most popular stories from 2023, including research from two CEE professors. We share a new book co-authored by Prof. Herbert Einstein titled Tunnel Design Methods. We congratulate Prof. Cathy Wu on being elected to the IEEE Intelligent Transportation System Society Board of Governors and Prof. Tal Cohen on receiving the Eshelby Mechanics Award for Young Faculty.
Also in this issue, new research from Prof. Josephine Carstensen facilitates the reuse of construction elements, and Prof. Heidi Nepf and researcher Isabella Schalko investigates how the intentional placement of logs in rivers could be used to mitigate the clogging of gravel beds by fine sediment. Lastly, we share a panel recording from the 2024 Transportation Research Board meeting featuring Prof. Franz-Josef Ulm and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg.