Hope for Churches in Times of Crisis

Dear Ministry Partner,

At the onset of the current year, Vietnam experienced a population surge, reaching a milestone of one hundred million individuals. Concurrently, the government committee for Religious Affairs delivered disheartening news, indicating that the number of Evangelical Christians declined by 1.2 million, a figure lower than previously reported. Although some individuals harbor skepticism towards this report, the prevailing sentiment suggests that it accurately reflects the prevailing circumstances within our country's churches.

In the aftermath of the pandemic, we embarked on two journeys to the United States in 2022 and 2023. These trips entailed visits to churches and benefactors along the East Coast. During our travels, we bore witness to a gradual decline in the local churches subsequent to the outbreak. Several congregations experienced a loss of approximately fifty percent of their faithful adherents.

Considering the future prospects of these churches, it is essential to acknowledge the delicate state of our world. Escalating partisan hostilities and geopolitical tensions have reached a critical juncture, while the rapid development of technologies such as AI has outpaced ethical evaluations. A pervasive sense of anxiety and despair permeates society. Amidst this chaos and uncertainty, individuals yearn for something reliably true and genuinely hopeful. We firmly believe that what they seek is the gospel of Jesus Christ—the epitome of truth and ultimate hope in the world.

I am of the conviction that the hope for the world lies within the church, and the hope for the church lies in devoted followers of Christ. Many of the churches we visited in America continue to thrive due to the adaptability and willingness to change exhibited by Christ's followers. Residing in one of Vietnam's most diverse locales, I have witnessed individuals from various provinces migrate here in pursuit of future prospects and careers. Some churches have astutely recognized this opportunity and have embraced the mission of spreading the gospel and effecting change within intercultural congregations. By capitalizing on technological advancements and adjusting their approaches to align with youth culture, these churches have experienced genuine growth, becoming beacons of new hope and inspiration for countless others.

…be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:2)

Thank you for your prayers and support,

National Director/CCI Vietnam

Click here to help support the National Director in Vietnam


We held two special seminars for the youth, led by CCI teachers in two different locations. The first seminar held in the northwest was Love and Biblical Dating and the second seminar in central Vietnam was Confronting a Virtual Pandemic on the Digital Media, which focuses on the impact of the internet and games on young people in today's church.

Two seminars, two locations

Matching Gift Opportunity

We desire to have all of our new 61 CCI Coordinators continue to expand throughout 2024. Your generous donation toward our $60,000 matching gift will double the impact of your donation. Reaching this goal will allow CCI to provide $300 monthly to each coordinator’s ministry, travel, and personal needs in 2024.

Will you help support our new Coordinators?

Click HERE to Learn More About Our Matching Gift


"Firstly, I would like to thank God for giving me the opportunity to be equipped. Secondly, I would like to thank CCI’s teachers who are devoted to this teaching ministry. I am growing daily in God’s Word. I was discouraged and weak, many times I wanted to give up and leave the church. By God’s grace, I stood firm and attended class. Faithful study has helped nourish my spirituality. Not only that, I was also able to follow God's Word every day and begin serving at the local church."

CCI Graduate

"I am a minister of a local church in a remote place. Before I studied at CCI, I encountered many difficulties in preparing sermons and felt pressured about not knowing what to preach. After finishing book#4: Preaching Biblical Messages & Pastoral Ministry, I seemed to be free from the burden. Sermon preparation became easier and my personal scripture study became richer. I can’t wait to move forward to the next level of studying with CCI."

CCI Student

Prayer Requests & Praises

  • Our students in a central Vietnam class are in need of 15 tables for their learning space. Pray for provision for the necessary resources. Please pray for wisdom, guidance and direction to the right sources and individuals who can help fulfill this need.
  • Our teacher's end-year meeting and graduation will be held in a location in central Vietnam on December 1-2.

  • The intensive class for Hmong pastors in the north of Vietnam will finish and graduation will be in November. Praise God for all of them are holding classes in their local churches.

  • Praying for our new students to be faithful and fruitful in learning.

  • The National Director is planning to build a house to be used as a Bible training center, Christian book company, and a Christian library in central highlands of Vietnam. It is estimated to cost at least $52,000 for a two-floor building. Pray for God to provide financially.

  •  Pray for God’s provision for teachers’ travels from village to village.

  • Pray to open more classes in the north and central, we need $500/month to support teachers’ travel.

  • Tribal Teachers Development Project - $1,000 every 3 months.

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