Weekly Newsletter: 8/19/2024

2024-25 Back to School Important Dates

Tuesday, August 20 - Preschool, Kindergarten, & Grade 1 – “Meet My Teacher” 

“Meet My Teacher” for PreK, Kindergarten, and Grade 1 families will be Tuesday, August 20th from 2:00-4:00 PM. “Meet My Teacher” provides students and parents the opportunity to see the classroom, meet teachers, drop off school supplies and paperwork, and prepare for a successful first day! 

Wednesday, August 21 - Upper School Orientation for ALL New Students and ALL 7th Grade Students

This special orientation event is for students who are new to the Upper School at Saint Agnes. This includes: ALL 7th Grade students and any other students transferring into the school in grades 8-12. Orientation will take place from 10:00am-12:30pm. This orientation is for students only; students should be in full uniform and are encouraged to bring school supplies to put into their lockers.

Thursday, August 22 - First Day of School/Orientation (Grades PreK-12)

The first day of school for Grades PreK-12 will be Thursday, August 22. This day is a split-half day for the Lower and Upper Schools. Please note that no lunch will be served this day. Please see below for important information for each grade on the first day/week of school:

Lower School (PreK-6) – 7:55am-11:00am

All PreK-6 students report to their homerooms at 7:55am and will be dismissed at 11:00am. *No After School Care provided. All Preschool and Kindergarten students will attend half day 7:55am-11:00am on Friday, August 23. Students in 1st through 6th grade will dismiss at 2:45pm starting Friday, August 23. 

Upper School (7-12) – 12:00pm-2:45pm

All 7-12 grade students will report to House/Advisory at noon, participate in a welcome assembly, and then progress through their seven class periods. Dismissal will be at 2:45pm. They will report at 7:55am for their first full day on Friday, August 23.

Thursday 8/22 Drop Off Coffee & Treats

Join Aggie parents in the cafeteria after drop off for coffee and treats to kick off the school year!

Friday 8/23 – Drive Up Coffee

Be on the lookout for drive up coffee or stop by outside and grab a cup on your way out from dropping off your Aggie!

2024-25 School Supply Lists


Reminder: Please Submit STUDENT / PARENT HANDBOOK AGREEMENT 24-25 on Permission Click


By now each household should have received one email invitation from Permission Click to complete the following back to school form:

  • Student/Parent Handbook Agreement 2024-25


The email invitations only to go the primary household email address as indicated in TADS/Educate. If you have not received the email invitations or have not been able to complete the forms, please contact the Main Office. Only one form per household is needed; the form allows you to list the names of multiple children. Thank you for your timely responses!

Parents' Rosary for the School

Please join Aggie parents this year to pray a Rosary together for our school, our children and our families. We will meet immediately after all-school Masses, in the pews in front of the Mary Altar -- that's on the left side, up front near the sanctuary. Please note: this is not on days when there are separate Masses for the lower and upper schools. The first Parents' Rosary will be Friday, Sept. 6.

Hot Lunch Volunteers Needed


If you have a few hours in the middle of the day and would like to volunteer, we are looking for people daily to help our awesome kitchen crew with Hot Lunch (10:30 AM – 1:30 PM). This is a great way to help and connect with our students. Sign up for once a week, once a month or whatever works with your schedule. You will need be current with E3/VIRTUS requirements.  Please contact Volunteer & Safe Environment Coordinator Annette Beaudry at 651-925-8826 if interested.

7-12 Schedules & Course Change Requests


Schedules for Upper School students are now visible in Educate and will be distributed to students on the first day of school. Students/parents may inquire with the School Counseling Office (Mrs. Jolene Schmitz or Mr. Alex Loesch) about changes or adjustments.


Course availability may be limited by section capacity. Please keep in mind that dropping or switching a course that was requested last spring will incur a $50 course change fee. In addition, parent approval will be needed for major changes (e.g. dropping a math class, switching to a different science course, or dropping an honors section for a regular section of any class). The opportunity for students in grades 7-12 to request changes ends on Thursday, August 29th.

Junior High Parent Meeting: Tuesday, 8/27 @ 8:15 AM 


Assistant Headmaster and Director of the Upper School, Mr. Karl Hendrickson, will be hosting a Junior High Parent Orientation Event for parents to learn all the jargon and the inside scoop at Saint Agnes, like:

·     What is an “Advisory”?

·     Is it “Day 1”? Does it matter?

·     What is “Educate”? I thought that was the school’s job?

·     My kid said he is in “'A' Lunch”...what does that mean?


Join Us:

Junior High Parent Orientation

Tuesday, August 27th

8:15-9:15 AM

Helene Houle Auditorium

9th Grade Parent Meeting: Tuesday, 9/10 @ 8:15 AM 

All parents of 9th grade students are invited to join Assistant Headmaster and Director of the Upper School, Mr. Karl Hendrickson in the Helene Houle Auditorium on Tuesday, September 10th at 8:15am. A variety of topics will be covered to set your freshman student up for a fruitful and successful 2024-25 school year. Subsequent events will be held on October 8th for parents of 11th grade students, November 12th for parents of 10th grade students, and January 14th for parents of seniors.

Upper School Altar Server Meeting 8/28

New and returning boys in the Upper School are invited to altar serve at the Upper School and All School Masses this year. Fr. Ubel will be leading an informational altar server meeting for boys in grades 7-12 on Wednesday, August 28th, from 9:40-10:05 am in the choir room. Altar server training information is coming soon. Please contact Ms. Rose Coleman with questions about grades 7-12 altar serving.

Upper School Reading and Tea Party August 25

After the success of last year’s Jane Austen Tea Party, Upper School students are invited to a High Tea to discuss our two Summer Reading Club books on Sunday, August 25, from 2:00-3:30 in the UAC Commons. Our books this year are Charlotte Bronte’s classic, Jane Eyre, and Cormac McCarthy’s post-apocalyptic novel, The Road. (Note, The Road is a bleak but rewarding read. Some Aggies give it rave reviews, but more sensitive readers might want to stick to the Bronte.) Read one or both books—there’s just one party—and rest assured that the menu and décor will reflect the Bronte more than the McCarthy 🙂.


It’s not too late to join in—just email Dr. Pawl and read one or both books on your own time.  RSVP here (you can sign up to bring a treat to share, but that’s certainly not required.) We would be delighted to have some parent volunteers to serve the day of the event. Email Dr. Pawl with questions.

See the Saint Agnes athletic calendar for all times, locations, and livestreams for this week's games.

Please contact Athletic Director Mr. Streitz with any questions.

Employment Opportunities

Now Hiring: Day Care Assistant

(Part Time, 3 days/week: 7:15 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.)

Saint Agnes School is looking for a vibrant, energetic daycare employee to join our team that cares exclusively for the Saint Agnes Staff children. You would be joining a family-like environment with children from 3 months to 3 years of age. In our daycare we pray before meals, play like siblings and are always looking for new ways to love and serve the children that come to us. Please see below for more details and how to apply.

To Apply

Please email the following to Miriam Naughton, Lower School Director at

  • Cover letter
  • Resume/CV


Now Hiring: After School Care Coordinator and Assistant

 (5-days/week: 2:45pm-5:00pm) 


Saint Agnes is looking for two staff members to run our after-school care program. We are looking for members of our community who are interested in supporting our working families by caring for their children after school hours. Duties involve homework help, setting up games and snacks, monitoring check-in and check-out of students, and generally creating a fun environment. 


To Apply

Please email the following to Amy McQuillan, Administrative Assistant at

·                     Cover letter

·                     Resume/CV


Now Hiring: Accounting Associate

(Part Time)

The Accounting Assistant is a key member of the business office team, which serves both the parish and the school. We have a strong sense of mission and see daily the impact that a healthy financial foundation has in the lives of the 800+ students and families we serve. More information here.

To Apply

Please email the following to Joe Hermerding, Business Administrator at

Cafeteria/Lunch Information 2024-25

Lunch Overview Document

Application for Educational Benefits - English

Application for Educational Benefits - Spanish

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