E-Spirit Weekly Newsletter | August 20, 2024 | |
LAST CHANCE to Register for 2024 COM!
Don't miss out on this opportunity to earn CEU credits
We are excited to invite you to the 2024 Conference on Ministry, held this year at the stunning Mission Inn in Howey-in-the-Hills, FL. Join us from September 16-18, 2024, for an inspiring and rejuvenating retreat featuring our guest speaker, Dr. Barbara Rossing, professor of New Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.
Our theme, "The Lamb's Alternative Power Story for the Healing of Creation," will guide us through the book of Revelation. Dr. Rossing will help us uncover its powerful message of hope and envision a renewed world where all are welcome and have enough. This is a unique opportunity to explore Revelation's theme of hope, not fear, as we journey to the beautiful city and river of life.
In addition to the enlightening sessions, the conference is a wonderful chance to connect with fellow rostered ministers, relax, and enjoy the picturesque surroundings of Mission Inn. We look forward to seeing you there for this enriching experience!
Check out the agenda here.
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Tee Off at Las Colinas!
Don’t miss your opportunity to play Las Colinas, opened in 1992 and voted one of top courses in Florida. With it’s unique inland links design, Las Colinas offers wide-open fairways and a gentle rolling landscape. You won’t be disappointed.
Didn’t sign up for golf when you registered? It’s not too late, come join your peers for a friendly tournament at this top ranked course. Sign up here.
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Ordinations & Installations
September 1, 9:30 AM – Installation of the Rev. Jeremy Freye as Pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Winter Park; Rev. Dr. Derek Hoven will officiate.
September 1, 3 PM – Installation of the Rev. Callie Torres as Associate Pastor of Christ the King Lutheran Church in Miami; Bishop Suarez will officiate.
September 14, 3 PM – Installation of the Rev. Jennifer Michael as Pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Tampa; Bishop Suarez will officiate.
October 19, 2:30 PM - Installation of the Rev. Ben Mandrick as Pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Fernandina Beach; Bishop Suarez will officiate.
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Lutherans for Love: A Year of Building Bridges and Spreading Love
In 2023, Pastors Katy Fast (St. Mark, Dunedin), Anne Harmon (St. Paul’s, Clearwater), and Paul Gibson (Trinity, St. Petersburg) united their congregations for a groundbreaking initiative. They participated together in the St. Petersburg PRIDE Festival and Parade Day, aiming to create a welcoming and loving presence for the LGBTQIA+ community. Their efforts were met with overwhelming positivity, leading to new connections and a shared sense of purpose.
As June arrived, the pastors, dressed in clerical collars, alongside volunteers from the three churches, set up a selfie-photo booth at the festival, inviting attendees to engage in conversation. A second space was rented to distribute brochures about the churches, offer giveaways, and provide free water. The response was heartening, with festival-goers embracing the opportunity to connect. The parade that followed saw the pastors and a large group of volunteers walking and interacting with some of the 200,000 attendees. The impact was profound, with the LGBTQIA+ community expressing a deep need for love and acceptance from Christian churches. This outreach led to new faces in worship, and the churches felt called to expand their involvement in additional PRIDE Week events.
In 2024, with the support of the Synod’s V2A Grant, the "Lutherans for Love" initiative flourished. The grant enabled the purchase of reusable equipment and provided resources to explore innovative approaches to evangelism. "The V2A grant opened the door to countless opportunities for evangelism, reaching a wide audience," the churches reported. Over the summer, the Lutherans for Love team participated in five more LGBTQIA+ parades and events, with all three churches committed to continuing this effort in the coming year.
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Calling all Tampa-area College Students
Are you a current or incoming USF, HCC, or University of Tampa student? Or do you know someone who might be interested in what we're up to? Do you want to learn more about Lutheran Campus Ministry around USF and Temple Terrace?
Lutherans or non-Lutherans, church goers or never been, come with your questions and your hunger for something deeper.
There is a place for you at The Table, an ELCA Campus Ministry.
Fall Kickoff at Chili’s
August 25, 11 a.m.
Gather for a free lunch at Chili’s (2794 E Fowler Ave., Tampa)
Learn about upcoming events and share your dreams for a Lutheran (ELCA) student fellowship.
RSVP to tfriedrichs@corlutheran.org.
Global Mission News
Learn all about Global Mission's recent activities in the summer newsletter! From an ordination in Suriname, to a significant gift to Haiti, to summer programs in Cuba, to continued exchanges between the women of Guyana, Suriname and Florida--the ministry is active and vibrant.
Want your congregation to become more engaged in Global Mission? Contact Rev. Katie Carroll at revkhc@gmail.com.
Also, don't forget the women's Bible study with women from Guyana, Suriname and the FB Synod. The final summer meeting is at 6 p.m. EST on Wednesday, August 21. Our partners in Suriname will be leading the evening with prayer, devotion, and a reflection on the Old Testament story of Hannah. You are invited to join!
Zoom information is as follows:
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83882799173
Meeting ID: 838 8279 9173
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Just Love Civic Life and Faith Webinar
The ELCA is developing a social statement on civic life and faith, the relationship of church and state, and related matters, as called for by the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly.
Social statements are the ELCA’s primary documents to address significant social issues. They are intended to aid reflection, shape conscience, and set forth the ELCA’s teaching and policy on the major social issues and questions of contemporary life. Social statements are developed by task forces, using an established process of study and widespread participation across the church, to guide theological and moral deliberation.
Join Just Love and people around the synod to explore this draft social statement on August 28 from 7 - 9 p.m. on Zoom. A panel will present various aspects of the draft. Presenters include Cheryl Stuart (attorney in public policy), Professor William Rodriguez (ethics and philosophy), and Pastor Rani Abdulmasih (Hope Lutheran Church, The Villages). Please read the social statement prior to the webinar found here.
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Making Disciples
A retreat for those who work with youth in faith formation
Join Luther Springs for the Making Disciples retreat, September 26-29.
This retreat is designed to support all those who work with children, youth and young adults in faith formation. Our event begins Thursday evening for a time of networking and hospitality.
On Friday, we will host two all-day intensive care tracks:
First track: Andy Jung from Fuller Youth Institute will join us as we explore Growing Young and how to engage younger generations in a way that breathes life and energy into the whole church.
Second Track: Young Adult/Campus Ministry Leader Summit for leaders currently leading or wishing to develop campus ministry or young adult ministry sites. Campus ministry leaders from across the ELCA will guide leaders interested in creating Campus Ministry opportunities or strengthening existing ministries.
Saturday and Sunday, we will offer workshops geared to equip you in your ministry to and with children, youth, and young adults.
Come for one night, two nights, or all three. There is also a one-day commuter option.
September 26-29, 2024
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Two job openings at Grace in Tallahassee
PT Keyboardist (Piano and Organ)
We are seeking a part-time Organ/Keyboard/Piano player. The keyboardist will serve as a member of the Music Ministry Team for Grace Lutheran Church, and will prepare and perform music for the weekly 9am and 11am Sunday services, as well as other special days in Lent and during Holy Week, and Advent and Christmas on organ and piano. This position is available immediately, and inquiries and resumes may be submitted to Dr. Leslie Heffner, Music Program Coordinator at heffnerl@gmail.com.
PT Guitarist/Song Leader for Contemporary Service
We are seeking a PT Guitarist/Song Leader. The position will serve as a member of the Music Ministry Team for Grace Lutheran Church, to prepare and provide music leadership for the Contemporary Worship Service (Sundays at 9 am) in coordination with the Music Program Coordinator and Keyboard Player. This position is available immediately, and inquiries and resumes may be submitted to Dr. Leslie Heffner, Music Program Coordinator at heffnerl@gmail.com.
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Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Palm Harbor seeks Interim Music Director
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Palm Harbor is in need of a Director of Music to plan and organize the music ministry for worship services at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Palm Harbor, FL. Our services are Saturday at 5 p.m. and Sunday morning. We are a small ELCA congregation currently in transition awaiting a full-time pastor. Click here for details.
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Inviting #ELCAElectionActivators
Are you interested in what you can do as a non-partisan influence in this election cycle? Take your energy to the #ELCAElectionActivator network - an opportunity for individuals and our congregations to share in our communities love in action.
ELCA Election Activators from various parts of our ELCA faith community are invited to a call once-a-month to for updates and to hear from each other about local initiatives. Because the ELCA does not endorse a particular candidate, party or form of government or strive for a Christian one, participation requires sign-up and a non-partisan pledge. "Lutherans care about government because it is a gift from God intended for the safety and flourishing of human life" (from ELCA social message "Government & Civic Engagement in the United States: Discipleship in a Democracy").
Our next virtual meeting is Aug. 27. Learn more today! https://blogs.elca.org/advocacy/elca-election-activator-network/
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September 21: School of Lay Ministry Annual Retreat and Graduation Worship, Mandarin Lutheran Church, Jacksonville
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