Dear Friends,
It has been a busy and amazing summer for youth ministry in West Missouri.
We hit the ground running on June 2nd as 27 youth from across the Diocese gathered with our friends from the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas at YMCA Camp Wood in Elmdale, KS for the Episcopal Summer Mega Camp! The theme for this year's camp was "linked by love" and campers spent the week exploring the ways that love connects us together and how the love of God is shown to us in those relationships. Each day was filled with worship, program, time in family groups and a ton of fun activities like horseback riding, swimming, archery, a ropes course, giant swing, gaga ball, 9 square and more.
Camp was quickly followed by a trip to the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky. Where nine youth and three adults joined our Diocesan deputation to learn more about the Episcopal Church, and how it works. While there we witnessed the election of The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe as the next Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church, and then spent time in the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops. We also got to explore Louisville, including a visit to the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory and the Louisville Zoo.
We rounded off the summer when seven youth from across the Diocese attending Happening #98 at St. Margaret's Church in Lawrence, Kansas. These youth will serve as part of the leadership team for Happening #80 scheduled to take place September 27-29 at Grace, Carthage. If you're interested in attending that Happening, please see the information below.
None of this would have been possible without the participation, help, and support of so many people from across the Diocese and for that I just want to say thank you!
If you weren't able to join us for these summer events, make sure to check our calendar to see some of the awesome things coming up in the next few months and don't hesitate to reach out.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. David
P.S. You can find photos from Mega Camp and General Convention at the links below!