The WEMO Youth Messenger

August 2, 2024

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Dear Friends,

It has been a busy and amazing summer for youth ministry in West Missouri.

We hit the ground running on June 2nd as 27 youth from across the Diocese gathered with our friends from the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas at YMCA Camp Wood in Elmdale, KS for the Episcopal Summer Mega Camp! The theme for this year's camp was "linked by love" and campers spent the week exploring the ways that love connects us together and how the love of God is shown to us in those relationships. Each day was filled with worship, program, time in family groups and a ton of fun activities like horseback riding, swimming, archery, a ropes course, giant swing, gaga ball, 9 square and more.

Camp was quickly followed by a trip to the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky. Where nine youth and three adults joined our Diocesan deputation to learn more about the Episcopal Church, and how it works. While there we witnessed the election of The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe as the next Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church, and then spent time in the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops. We also got to explore Louisville, including a visit to the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory and the Louisville Zoo.

We rounded off the summer when seven youth from across the Diocese attending Happening #98 at St. Margaret's Church in Lawrence, Kansas. These youth will serve as part of the leadership team for Happening #80 scheduled to take place September 27-29 at Grace, Carthage. If you're interested in attending that Happening, please see the information below.

None of this would have been possible without the participation, help, and support of so many people from across the Diocese and for that I just want to say thank you!

If you weren't able to join us for these summer events, make sure to check our calendar to see some of the awesome things coming up in the next few months and don't hesitate to reach out.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. David

P.S. You can find photos from Mega Camp and General Convention at the links below!

Mega Camp Photos
General Convention Photos

Other Upcoming Events



Youth Delegate Election

The election for youth delegates to Diocesan Convention will take place virtually. The ballot opens at 9 a.m. August 8 and closes at 5 p.m. August 11.




Youth Game Nights

Hosted by Christ Church, Springfield (9/7) and St. Andrew's, KC (9/8) from 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m, These game nights are a chance for youth to connect with each other and just have some fun.




WEMO Youth DIOlogues

Three sessions set aside for the youth of the Diocese to meet and talk with the candidates for election as the Ninth Bishop of The Diocese of West Missouri. If you'd like to go to one of these sessions but it seems a little out of your driving range let us know and we'll try to find you a ride :)




Happening #80

Hosted at Grace, Carthage this retreat will be the first Happening in West Missouri since before the pandemic. It is open to youth in grades 9-12.




Youth Confirmation Retreat

Hosted at St. Mary's, Kansas City, this retreat is designed to complement and enhance the preparation done at the parish level.


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Volunteers Always Welcome

Interested in becoming a Youth Ministry Volunteer? Reach out to the Missioner for Youth Ministry for more information!

Become a Volunteer


Youth Delegate Election

We're excited to announce this year's slate of Candidates to serve as Youth Delegates at this year's Diocesan Convention!

The Constitutions and Canons (Church Law) of the Diocese of West Missouri provide for the election of one youth delegate one alternate from each of the Diocese’s three Deaneries (NW Metro, Central, and Southern.) These delegates are full voting members of the Convention, elected by their fellow youth, who serve as the voice of the young people of our diocese in our deliberations. 

This year's candidates are:

The Election will be held online from 9 a.m., Thursday, August 8-5 p.m., Sunday, August 11, 2024.

To vote please use this link.


Happening is a Christian Experience by youth for youth. It’s a weekend retreat, focusing on Jesus and what he taught. There are games, music, great food, and a chance to talk with peers about things that really matter. Students “go through” Happening only once, after that, they may come back and serve on Happening staff, recreating the experience for others.

The program, led by youth for youth, focuses on three big questions:


  • Who am I?
  • Where do I fit?
  • What difference can I make?


and what the good news of Jesus Christ can tell us about these questions.


Registration and staff applications are open for Happening#80 at Grace Church, Carthage September 27-29.

Register Now! 

WEMO Youth Alumna Ordained

Congratulations to WEMO Youth alumna and former summer intern The Rev. Katherine Mansfield who was ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests at Grace & Holy Trinity Cathedral on July 20th! Mtr. Katherine is serving as curate at Christ Church in Springfield.


Youth are the Church Now!

West Missouri's very own Amrit Tharakan from Springfield was recently interviewed by The Living Church for an article about youth involvement at General Convention!

Check out the article...

Youth Leader's Corner

Check out these resources that can help you with your ministry.

Community Covenant

Why Youth Ministry?


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