As many of you know I was recently in a hit and run moving vehicle accident. I sustained a concussion, neck and spine injuries along with tendinopathy of my right biceps tendon at my shoulder. I will spare you the medical details. So why do I lead with that? Today is Thanksgiving Day, a time to reflect on the events, things and people we are grateful for in our lives. It is a time to count our blessings and that is not a trite expression alone, it is a reminder to myself first and foremost. I know what it is to be on the other side of my table, to experience searing pain and suffering. To spend money and time to recover when you would rather be spending them on whatever floats your boat. Hiking The Napali Coast floats mine!

So after the shock & anger, adrenaline rush and nausea subsided, I quickly shifted my upset to profound gratitude. You see, I had just dropped off my mom 5 minutes prior to that MVA and the impact occurred at the passenger side where she had been sitting. If MY body sustained the trauma it did, it would have been beyond critical to her frail elderly body. So I shifted and have remained, in the midst of my pain and suffering to one of Profound Gratitude to GOD for the blessing of her protection. Gratitude is more than a positive emotion that we throw around half intentionally, it is a way of life that can pay you back with dividends of reduced inflammation, enhanced immunity and accelerated healing mind, body and spirit. When nothing seems to be going right, it is at those precise moments you must look up and Give Thanks and Count your Blessings

On this Thanksgiving Day 2023 in the midst of the cosmic and personal chaos, take a moment to appreciate what you do have. Despite the health challenges some of my patients are facing, have blessed assurance that I can relate at many levels. We have breath to face another day so therefore, we have hope.

Perhaps tomorrow our stars will align and we will celebrate with great joy.

To my family, friends and patients that prayed and continue to pray for my full recovery - I am thankful beyond words. I know a passionate and highly dedicated Naturopathic Doctor and I have The Great Physician looking after me!

Yours in Health!

Dr. Val

Firstfruits Health

Natural Health Consulting

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