In addition to Public Comment, the following items are on the Agenda
Miscellaneous - The miscellaneous agenda include licenses, vouchers, contracts, grant of location requests from utilities, and other items. There are more than twenty items on the agenda in this category, The complete list can be can be found in the Meeting Agenda.
Departmental Budget Reviews - Review of the FY25 Departmental Budgets for the Office of the Select Board, Finance Department, and Planning and Community Development Department. Department budgets can be viewed under Section IV - Departmental Recommendations on budget website.
Zoom Meeting Protocol - Continued discussion and possible votes on public meeting protocols for Zoom Meetings and the Recording of Public Meetings.
MBTA Tree Removal Appeal(s) - If any appeals are lodged at the 5:00 p.m. public hearing, the Select Board will hear those potential appeals from the decision of the Tree Warden regarding the MBTA’s application to remove a 37” shade tree opposite 1902 Beacon Street on safety grounds.
Housing Production Plan - Continued discussion and possible vote to adopt the Housing Production Plan.
Select Board Warrant Articles - Review, discussion, and possible vote on potential warrant articles sponsored by the Select Board for the upcoming Annual Town Meeting.