November 2022
Waterville UMC Ambassador
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 NLT
Happy November!
You may remember this rhyme taught in your childhood days … “Thirty days has September, April, June, and November, all the rest have thirty-one, but February's twenty-eight, the leap year, which comes once in four, gives February one day more.”
We are entering a thirty-day month - a month we celebrate Thanksgiving. It is a great month to be grateful to the One who has given us all that we have. This month always reminds me that prayer changes things, especially prayers of gratitude. When we pray consistently, especially in thanksgiving it turns our situations around because it changes us, our outlook, and our attitudes. It improves our heart condition. There is power in a thankful heart for thanksgiving brings contentment. An attitude of gratitude accepts and aligns us with God’s will for our lives. When we pray in both the good times and bad, God turns our triumphs into greater joy and our troubles into triumph.
Prayer discourages the enemy, who works diligently to bring us discouragement and lies. When he tries to destroy our joy, we have power in thankful prayer and praise to our almighty God. With God’s help, we can break through the tactics of the enemy. A worshipful and thankful life permeates the atmosphere with the presence of God because worship is the atmosphere where God’s truth dwells.
See, God smiles when we praise and thank Him continually. There are few things that feel better than when we receive heartfelt praise and appreciation from someone else. Well – God loves it too! There is an amazing thing that happens when we offer praise and thanksgiving to the Creator of all … our own hearts are filled with joy!
I have a picture that hangs in my home that says “What if you woke up tomorrow morning with only the things you thanked God for today?” We are a church located at the end of Pray Boulevard. For the next 30 days, let’s challenge ourselves to purposefully set aside time to show our gratitude for all our Father has done and will do in our lives. Each day pray a specific prayer of gratitude. If you miss a day, you don’t need to go back or start over. Just pick up with the corresponding day and, if you have time, you can go back to the days you’ve missed.
So what do you say? Willing to improve your gratitude attitude? Ready to make time in your day to show your thankfulness to the One who makes your day possible? Here is a list of scriptures to assist you. Let’s do this church!
Day 1: Psalm 118:24
Day 2: James 1:17
Day 3: Isaiah 26:3
Day 4: Philippians 4:6
Day 5: John 15:10-11
Day 6: Colossians 3:16
Day 7: Romans 5:20
Day 8: 1 Peter 5:5
Day 9: Matthew 6:12
Day 10: Ephesians 2:8-9
Day 11: Exodus 16:8
Day 12: Psalm 145:2-3
Day 13: Psalm 150:1-6
Day 14: Psalm 16:7
Day 15: Psalm 28:7
Day 16: Psalm 26:3
Day 17: 1 Thess. 5:16-18
Day 18: 1 Corinthians 1:9
Day 19: 1 Samuel 16:7
Day 20: John 2:11
Day 21: Psalm 104:10-11
Day 22: Matthew 6:8
Day 23: Acts 2:46
Day 24: Ephesians 2:5
Day 25: James 2:13
Day 26: Psalm 148:1
Day 27: Psalm 106:1
Day 28: Acts 16:25
Day 29: Lamen. 3:22-23
Day 30: Psalm 100:2
Join us at 3:30pm on Sunday, November 6th for a
Church Meeting!
Time to Fall Back! Don't forget to change your clocks before bed on Sunday Night!
With the holidays fast approaching SPRC wanted to send a reminder to remember our staff this holiday season. If you wish to give a monetary gift, please mail to the church office or place in one of the church offering boxes and label as Staff Holiday Gift.
Prayer Focus for our 5th Street property as it has not had any interest. We are asking everyone to focus praying
2 Chronicles 7:14-15 at either 7:14 a.m. or 7:14 p.m.
Ephesians 3:20-21 at either 3:20 a.m. or 3:20 p.m.
As we seek God's wisdom with the direction for the 5th Street property.
Grief Support Group Forming Soon!
Donna Martin will begin hosting a grief
support group in November based on New Hope Center for Grief Support. The Waterville UMC congregation, local churches, community leaders and professionals and non-professionals are invited to attend
New Hope “Coffee and Conversation” gatherings on
November 10 at 6:30 pm and/or November 12 at 10 am.
Topics of discussion will include: How to join a New Hope Starting Again group; How to volunteer to facilitate a group; and How you can support this effort.
For more information contact Donna Martin at 419 360-5584
A reception was held for Stephanie Shelton after church on Sunday, October 23rd.
We thank her for her 16 years of dedication as the Director of Children's Ministry!
Fall-O-Ween Trunk or Treat was held on Saturday, Oct 22nd!
We were blessed with great weather and had an amazing turnout!
20 decorated trunks
52 cars visiting
16 groups of walk-ins
Thank you for your generous donations to Teacher's Toolbox!
The much needed items were delivered yesterday! Let's keep them coming!
The Northwest Ohio Emmaus Women's Walk Number 89 was held October 13-16 at Wesley United Methodist Church in Bryan, OH. I have been on the list to go pre-COVID to represent Waterville UMC. It was a long wait to experience seventy-two hours (72) of God's love and mercy bestowed upon the 13 pilgrims who went on the journey. If you haven't been to Wesley, the stained-glass windows are beautiful!
Some of you have asked me how many miles do you walk? It is not an organized walk like an Alzheimer's or Breast Cancer Awareness Walk. It's a spiritual journey with Christ (Luke 24:13-35). As the Emmaus Walk brochure reads, "The Walk to Emmaus seeks to inspire, challenge, and equip leaders for Christian action in their homes, places of work, and communities." There is singing, eating, reflection, praying, treats during breaks, worship, small group discussion, understanding of Christian love in action...did I mention eating? And a whole lot more! Because when Emmaus meets, Emmaus eats!
There is a Men's Walk, too, and generally, held before the Women's. I would encourage anyone who may be interested in deepening your relationship with Christ and experiencing the full, unconditional love He has to give us to consider attending one of the walks. You won't be disappointed. The friends you meet on this journey will hold you accountable in your 4th days which are those after the experience. Who doesn't need brothers and sisters in Christ to hold you up? Contact Pastor Teresa, Cherl Matla or myself if you are interested in being a pilgrim on the next journey.
De Colores,
Char Monroe
Finance & Stewardship
Our 2023 Generously Blessed General Fund Stewardship Campaign continues as we prayerfully consider what part(s) we may play in helping to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. As we have pointed out, Stewardship is more than just your financial commitment. It includes your commitment of prayer, service, presence and witness.
The Church Council (Leadership Team) is responsible for all operations & functions of the various ministry teams. Its membership consists of Chair, Education, Missions, Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, Treasurer, Celebration, Outreach, Finance and at large members. There are many positions available for you to assist and participate in these ministry teams. Listed below are several opportunities and areas of interest for your prayerful consideration. Please contact Pastor Teresa or the Church Office if you would like more information.
Education and Children’s Ministry
(Youth – requires a Background Check)
Teach Children Sunday School Class
Adult Teacher’s Assistant
Assist with Vacation Bible School
Assist with craft projects & preparations
I have a special skill or interest I’d like to share with children/youth: ______________________
Volunteer for youth program
Chaperone mission events
Youth Mission Trip volunteer
Work with youth on ongoing basis
Prepare meal for youth group
Provide snacks / drinks for youth group
Will share my testimony with youth group
Nursery Ministry-requires a Background Check
Nursery helper prior to Worship
Nursery helper during Worship & Sunday School
Worship Service Assistant
Altar arrangement assistant
Prepare altar for Sundays
Restock pew supplies
Communion preparation/cleanup
Communion servers
Special and seasonal decorations
AVL / ProPresenter: AVL Operators
Backup Presentation Creator
Music/Arts Ministries
Sing in Sanctuary choir
Handbell choir
Assist in children’s music
Serve as accompanist
Participate in Theatre productions
Play special musical instruments: ____________
Hospitality / Fellowship Ministries
Driver’s for Browning & StoryPoint (Sunday)
Follow up with visitors
Adopt a new member
Host Fellowship Time
Congregational Care
Visit homebound members
Visit hospital patients with Pastor
Card Ministry: Write/send cards
Provide meals for families in need
Prepare food for funerals meals & other church events
Work with senior adults
Drive for those needing transportation
Do light home maintenance
Learning and Spiritual Growth
Attend Sunday School
Attend Wed. Bible study
Attend Sun. Night Bible Study
Attend a small group
Invite a friend to church
Learn to share my faith
Lead a small group study
Lead where needed, with training
Volunteers for Mission projects
Local missions___________________________
Welcome a Neighbor Bags
Disaster relief/ISOH-Impact
Habitat for Humanity Project
Bake Cookies for Kairos
Assist with Web site / Ambassador
Newspaper communications
Write letters, articles, etc.
Manage church’s Facebook page
Volunteer for office help
Member of Church Council
Member of Offering Counting Team
Church Building and Grounds Care
Adopt a flower bed
Rake leaves
Prune shrubs
Participate in seasonal clean up
Wherever the church needs me
Our Mission – To Make Disciples.
Our Vision – Share, Celebrate and Teach God’s Love
Sunday Mornings: Counters,
AVL / ProPresenter: AVL operators, Backup Presentation Creator
Church Council: Finance Chair, Outreach, Secretary
Director of Children’s Ministry
WUMC is seeking a dynamic person to fill our Director of Children’s Ministry position. Responsibilities include overseeing the education program, choosing the curriculum for preschool to 6th grade, leading the Sunday School program, recruit and coordinate volunteers, and attend monthly council meetings. Six to eight hours a week is expected.
Director of Youth Ministry
WUMC is seeking a dynamic person to fill our Director of Youth Ministry position. Responsibilities include planning, leading, and choosing the curriculum for the Youth Ministry program for 7ththrough 12th grade, recruitment and coordination of volunteers, planning mission trips, and attending monthly council meetings. Six to eight hours a week is expected.
Office Manager
WUMC is seeking a part-time church office manager. The job qualifications include strong computer skills, must be proficient in MS Office Suite, proficient in working with social media (websites, Facebook, Twitter), administrative secretarial duties (answering phones, scheduling appointments, greeting guests, etc.). 25-30 hours a week. A detailed job description is available by request.
A detailed job description is available upon request and interested applicants should email their résumés including reference list to or mail to: Waterville United Methodist Church, c/o Josh Hankins, 7115 Waterville Monclova Rd., Waterville, OH 43566. WUMC is an EEO/M/F/D/V Employer.
Missions Committee Focus for November 2022
October 2: 123
October 9: 134
October 16: 128
October 23: 120
October 30:
November Card Ministry Liaison is
Char Monroe
Please reach out to her at
if you know of someone who needs encouraging words through a card.
Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.
Happy Birthday!
(If you have a Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
Melva Robinson November 1
Kourtney Hanenkratt November 3
Aiden Wittenmyer November 3
Michael Denman November 4
Janet Quinn November 4
Stephanie Shelton November 5
Wendell Welker November 10
Hailey Kahl November 14
Steve Rath November 14
Marny Mazzarella November 16
Zoe Rose November 17
Stacy Shoemaker November 17
Heather Rose November 18
Jan Sheridan November 18
Hazel McCausland November 19
Delores Young November 19
Shamarr Lipinski November 20
Thomas McCausland November 20
Karen Wiggins November 20
Chase Kirby November 21
Carol Lynch November 21
Rowen Underwood November 21
Thomas Kahl November 23
Gage McMillan November 24
Elaine Colyer November 25
Jamel Lipinski November 26
Ella May Kimball November 27
Jacob Kahl November 28
Donna Martin November 28
Terry Myers November 28
Ted Myers November 30
Independent Bible Study and Activities
If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need, please call Pastor Teresa Wenrick at 937-726-3758 or .
Office hours are generally Tuesday through Friday 9 AM to Noon, but may vary. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645 if you need to visit the office.
Praises to the Lord!
10:30 AM
Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:
- In Sanctuary
Live Stream via You Tube at
Watch the recording of the worship service on-line when available at
Follow us on Twitter
Follow the church and youth on our Twitter pages:
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645| Email Us |