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December 2023 Vol.24

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  1. "THE KEY" New 16GB Flash Drive: 25 Years of Conference Proceedings
  2. How One Device Can Transform the Electrical Grid
  3. New System for Producing Green Hydrogen Cheaply & Efficiently
  4. Hydrogen Cars are Appropriate in all Urban Areas
  5. China's "Force Gun" Moves Things at a Distance

Hello Jacqueline,

This week ushered in a first in terms of a way around the limitations of transporting large steel beams for the tower, which in turn limited the size and capacity of wind turbines. Now the tallest wooden wind turbine has been built in Sweden. It is a 2 MW turbine at 500 feet (150 m) tall and carbon negative, which is environmentally exciting.


We hereby announce our IRI year-end fund raising campaign at this time. If you are able to go ahead with a tax-deductible contribution to IRI, we will send you a tax-deduction letter of gratitude for the IRS. Otherwise, a $39 IRI Membership is available (among other categories), which includes quarterly gifts throughout the year.


Story #1 is quite thrilling to us since we finished hosting the series of twelve Conferences on Future Energy in 2020 and have engaged in a preservation effort since then. With such a wealth of scholarly papers (just 77 papers alone from COFE4) and videos that we found this KEY is the best way to distribute the treasure-trove to the public. After all, as a charitable nonprofit, public education is a mandate. However, fitting COFE 1-12 into a 16 GB flash drive was a huge challenge, with some individual COFE Proceedings (including papers and/or slides) extending into hundreds of pages long (150 pages up to 600 pages for each one). The good news is that we also found room in addition for many sample videos from each conference in convenient MP4 format on the KEY flash drive. One way to appreciate the exhaustive contents of The KEY is to see an eight minute video that speeds through 84 slides detailing the KEY on YouTube  with music. Another way is to visit to see more, including the START menu which in one page lists ALL of the ingredients. We hope you can take advantage of this great addition to your library, without taking up an entire shelf at its sale price.


Story #2 shows us the problem and the solution to the present national electric grid in the US. It is shown in graphic form in the illustration below, which is a distributed source grid with inverters that can generate AC electricity on site. To survive more severe weather events, we need such a change in something analogous to Christmas tree lights that are in series to ones that are in parallel so one outage does not take down the entire Christmas tree light array (read here “grid”).


Story #3 gives a picture of what perhaps the hybrid car of the future will be like or possibly the hydrogen car that runs on water. Thanks to the Italian Institute of Technology, a ruthenium catalyst and solar energy offer an inexpensive way to produce clean-burning hydrogen on demand from water electrolysis. Hope it will get to market very soon.


Story #4 follows this theme with a study of how Texas and all urban areas can benefit from a switch to hydrogen powered cars, as an alternative to fossil fueled automobiles. A related story also gives the US a boost in the Hydrogen Progress Index so we may be seeing standard gas stations start becoming hydrogen filling stations as well, unless Story #3 becomes commercialized soon!


Story #5 could have been the lead story with its Star Wars style of invention. It is quite amazing and unsettling that a Chinese National University of Defence Technology has a donut-shaped ionized plasma of charged particles that can move an object one kilometer away and can also be attractive like a tractor beam from Star Trek, as reported in the South China Morning Post. However, the information has also been shared by the authors with the US-based IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation (ICMRAwith the title of “Plasma Ring Transportation Feature Parameters Optimization and Dynamics Analysis” and just now making the rounds to media outlets like the one below for this Story #5. The Chinese reported that the purpose for the invention is that military scientists wanted a prototype that uses magnetic plasma rings to manipulate distant objects in space and that the new approach could be used for satellite recovery, delivery missions and deflecting space debris. Related Articles in the past few months include and . One that caught our attention is the spinoff of a Chinese electromagnetic hand-held railgun that fires projectiles “for crowd control” However, the US has discontinued railgun research back in 2021 according to this last related article.


Happy New Year!

Tom Valone, Editor


1) "The KEY” New 16 GB Flash Drive: Twelve Conference Proceedings All Included



For the first time, an accomplishment taking months of effort succeeded in placing all of the papers, select videos, and photos of twelve International Conferences on Future Energy (COFE 1 – 12) spanning twenty-five years into one compact flash drive. After years of work, the storage of the individual Proceedings of COFE 1-12, from conference host Integrity Research Institute, along with many selected videos (MP4 format), photos, and reviews, has been successfully archived in a stylish, durable, menu-driven key-shaped flash drive, suitable for a key ring, called “The KEY. Vol. 1.” It literally contains the reports, Proceedings, videos, papers, and unavailable material all totaling more than $1000 when sold individually over the past two decades.

As a sample of the contents, the initial COFE 1 was a historic event with fourteen scientists, including one cold fusion speaker and lots of media coverage, followed by a stellar group of scientists at every COFE afterwards. COFE 1 focused on emerging energy science, which in 1999 was so outside the box of narrow-minded power brokers that just investigating a government venue for it caused the organizer Thomas Valone to be dismissed from his position as Patent Examiner at the USPTO only a few months later, which was regained through arbitration. Historical details of that event, including news articles, audio recordings, and papers from the conference are all included in the KEY drive.

The KEY 16 gigabyte USB drive contents was recently summarized in its entirety with a 75-minute slideshow presentation on the internet show, “Steve’s Place,” on December 10, 2023. The KEY slideshow has been preserved with explanations and posted on YouTube with a video version of the 84 slides showing every pop-up menu and some samples for each of the twelve conferences (COFE 1-12) in only eight (8) minutes with Aether musical accompaniment!

The description is automatically generated. The KEY shown here offers all of the major links to submenus, which are highlighted in the slideshow.

The KEY offers such a wide range of the COFE 1-12 collection from Integrity Research Institute that it can provide a valuable library archive of scientific and future-oriented discoveries to help students as well as teachers and professionals looking for future energy innovations, along with propulsion discoveries that do not burn fossil fuels to provide force, and bioenergetics drug-free electrotherapy inventions that do not have side effects.

With pharmaceutical companies and oil companies controlling much of our viewing media, it is a welcome relief to see honest breakthroughs in all areas of energy, propulsion, and bioenergetics which will help our future become more sustainable and healthy. Visit to see more information and to order The KEY at the introductory sale price of only $95.

2) How One Device can Transform the Electrical Grid december 2023

By adding some grid-forming inverters into an existing power grid, engineers can help replace the functions that are lost when the big plants retire. Grid-forming inverters also have other advantages, such as automatically restarting a grid that has gone offline. That can make society more resilient to the power outages that come with extreme weather fueled by climate change, such as heat waves and hurricanes (SN: 2/15/20, p. 22).


3) New System for Producing Green Hydrogen Cheaply and Efficiently December 2023

What does it take to produce green hydrogen more efficiently and cheaply? Apparently, small ruthenium particles and a solar-powered system for water electrolysis. This is the solution proposed by a joint team involving the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology, IIT) of Genoa, and BeDimensional S.p.A. (an IIT spin-off).



4) Hydrogen cars are appropriate in all urban areas

Hydrogen Fuel News December 2023

Hydrogen cars are appropriate in all urban area, say US university researchers. The white paper was titled “Competitive Pricing of Hydrogen as an Economic Alternative to Gasoline and Diesel for the Houston Transportation Sector”. In it, researchers stated that over 230 million tons of CO2 are emitted by the Texan transportation sector annually. In 2022, there were 5.5 million vehicles registered with the Texas Department of Transportation in Houston alone.


US Leaps To Second Place In The Hydrogen Progress Index: A Quantum Leap Towards A Greener Future


5) Meet China's new ‘Force’ gun that moves things at a distance

Interesting Engineering. October 2023

Chinese scientists are working on a device that uses plasma rings to move objects at a distance. Touted as possibly being used for contactless satellite recovery, delivery, or space object deflection, the team behind the program is confident the device would work in principle, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported. Likened to the "Jedi" abilities of 'Force Push' and 'Force Pull' in the science fiction franchise 'Star Wars' (though possibly closer in concept to an actual 'tractor beam'), the device could prove revolutionary for many industries if proven viable.

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