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SUU Alumni Legacy Mix & Mingle

August 29th

Thunder U Orientation

August 29th-30th

Parent Orientation Open House

August 27th, 28th, & 29th

First Day of Fall Classes

August 31st

Off-Campus Housing

Click here for our off-campus housing list.

Take a Hike Tuesday

Join us for local hikes each Tuesday

Transitioning from high school to college

The most important thing to do before, during, and after any conversation with your student? Trust that you have done a good job.

Transitioning from high school to college can be tricky. None of us has as much control as we think — even if our child is studying close to home. That’s why communication is vital in the weeks before and after the move to campus. Please read this article about this challenging but exciting transition and ways to make it a little smoother.

Transitioning from High School to College

Getting to Know SUU's Campus

College Ready

Tips for Parents

How to pack for college

It can be tempting to pack up EVERYTHING you own, but it is not necessary and your student will be surprised at how much they didn’t need to bring. A good place to start is finding out the dimensions of their living space. How big is the closet? Will there be a dresser or will they have enough room to bring their own? Do they need to bring their own furniture & appliances? These questions lead to the next best thing to do: Communicate with roommates. Who is bringing what? How do they plan to share the bathroom, kitchen, & living room space? Will they share cleaning supplies or does your student need to buy their own? 

When it comes to personal items, encourage your student to make a list of things they absolutely NEED to take with them (clothes, shoes, bedding, bathroom supplies, etc.) If your student will be able to travel home for breaks encourage them to pack their wardrobe for the specific season they will start school. Then when they travel home as the weather changes they can swap out their clothes. This will help them have enough space in their closet.

Things to do:

  • Find out the dimensions of their room & other living spaces
  • What is included in their room/apartment
  • What appliances/furniture do they need to bring
  • Encourage your student to COMMUNICATE with their roommates. Find out who is bringing what, and how they plan to share each space
  • Create a list of essentials they NEED to bring
  • Pack things they don’t use daily FIRST 
  • Pack clothes appropriate for the current season. If your student will not be able to travel home during breaks, they might consider packing a set of clothes appropriate for each season OR make a plan to purchase clothes for each season when they arrive at Cedar


On-Campus Housing Office

What if my student will be living at home?

It can be difficult to find a balance between allowing and encouraging independence for your student and guiding them to make healthy decisions. What this exactly looks like will vary depending on each student and each family's unique needs. Your college student may need continued support in becoming independent. You have the unique opportunity to continue to lead by example. Instead of managing tasks for your student or feeling like you are nagging them constantly, focus on how you can demonstrate your own routines or skills of organization, time management, and managing other aspects of your life. Invite them to ask questions, see, and participate in how you plan day-to-day tasks and navigate work/leisure activities. When something takes priority over something else. 

Things to do:

  • Help your student to prioritize the basics
  • Encourage connection with other students
  • Involve others when you can - encourage them to reach out to professors, tutors, and resources on campus
  • Encourage your student to follow a routine as much as possible
  • Ask your student how you can best support them


Child Mind Institute

Parent and Family Services


August 27th, 28th, & 29th

We look forward to welcoming your student to campus for fall semester 2022. Please stop by our parent and family orientation to learn more about key resources available for your student, how to support your student, and other important information to get your student started on the right foot.

Fall 2022 Parent & Family Orientation Open House:

Saturday, August 27th:

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, August 28th:

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Monday, August 29th:

8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Location: Student Center Ballroom ST 145

You can come anytime on any day listed above. It will take about 45 minutes to get through parent orientation.


Whether your student is feeling stressed, anxious, or just looking to make changes in their life, coaching can help them.

Help them build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals.


August 29th

If you are an alumnus of SUU and have new student at SUU, plan to attend our Legacy Mix & Mingle where we will celebrate your student's arrival on campus and the continuing of your family's legacy at SUU. Each Legacy Parent who attends will be given a special Legacy Parent T-Shirt, and your student will receive a Legacy Student T-Shirts too! Light refreshments will be served.

Fall 2022 Important Dates

If your student needs to travel, see doctors or dentists, plan around these dates.

Wednesday, August 31- Fall Semester Begins

Monday, September 5 - Labor Day

No classes; campus is CLOSED 

Wednesday, September 7 - Last Day to Add Without instructor signature 

Wednesday, September 21 Last Day to Add With instructor signature

Monday, October 17 - Tuesday, October 18 Fall Break No classes; campus is OPEN

Friday, October 21 Midterm Grades Due Grade Submission:

Friday, October 28 Last Day to Withdraw with W From individual course(s)

Monday, November 21 - Wednesday, Nov. 23 Thanksgiving Break No classes; campus is OPEN

Thursday, November 24 - Friday, November 25 Thanksgiving Break No classes; campus is CLOSED

Friday, December 9 Last Day to Withdraw with W From all courses

Sunday, December 11 Instruction Ends Last day of regular class meetings

Monday, December 12 Study Day No classes; campus is OPEN 

Tuesday, December 13 thru Friday, December 16 Final Exams Final Exam Schedule:  

Off-Campus Housing

If your student is living off-campus, please secure housing as soon as possible.

Here is the link to our off-campus housing list. Please remember this is not an exhaustive list, there are other options out there. If you need help navigating other options, please call or email Shayla Inskeep at 

435-865-8580 or

As you help your student secure housing for fall, make sure they are aware of their rights as renters. This article will help you inform your student of their rights and help them make informed decisions. 

Student Resources

The following resources are available to all SUU students, please encourage your student to utilize the resources that would be helpful to them. To see the full list, click here.

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