Aspen Ridge Newsletter

October 2, 2022

Informed Parents Make Great Partners

Together We're Making a Difference!

Our Owls were all in with their support of Go Gold Day this year! From wearing gold, to coloring/cutting/hanging gold ribbons in the Heart, to donating over $1,200 (between in school and online donations) for childhood cancer awareness in honor of our own brave owl, Davis Goeking, our Aspen Ridge community showed how powerful we can be when we work together. One last way that you can show your support is by signing up for one of the remaining spots in our Children's Hospital Blood Drive on October 13th! Thank you for helping us make a difference!

We have lots to share in this October newsletter. Thank you for taking the time to read through and stay up to date on all that's happening at ARPS!

Important Dates: Mark Your Calendars

Check Out Our Events Online!

Click subscribe on our Events page to stay up to date on ARPS happenings!

Save the Date!

PTO Kickoff Meeting

Wednesday, 11/9

6:00pm in the Gym

All are welcome!

10/03 | Fall club payments are due.

10/04 | Chick-fil-A Spirit Day | Dine out to support ARPS!

10/04 | Aspen Ridge Informational Tour, 5:00pm | Sign up here. 

10/05 | Character Awards Assembly, 8:45am

10/05 | Early Release, 12:15pm

10/06 | First Boys' Basketball Practice, 3:30pm

10/07 | Middle School Breakfast w/ Dad, 7:15am | RSVP Required

10/07 | ARPS Count Day & Spirit Day! Wear green or ARPS gear!

10/10 | Boys' Basketball Home Game vs. Trail Ridge, 3:30pm

10/13 | Fall Parent Conferences | See details below!

10/13 | Children's Hospital Blood Drive | Sign up here.

10/13-10/17 | No school. Enjoy your fall break!

10/21-10/26 | Fall Scholastic Book Fair

10/22 | Annual Aspen Ridge FALL FEST, 3:00pm - 6:00pm

10/25 | Picture Re-take Day

10/26 | ARPS Monthly Board Meeting, 4:30pm

10/28 | Middle School Dance, 6:00pm - 8:00pm

10/29 | Boo on Briggs, 3:00pm - 6:00pm | Come find Aspen Ridge!

10/31 | Happy Halloween! K-5 Fall Class Parties, 2:00pm - 3:00pm

11/09 | Mark your calendar for our first PTO Meeting at 6:00pm!

Fall Conferences: Sign Ups Open Monday!

Teachers are excited to share your student’s progress with you during the upcoming Fall Conferences on Thursday, October 13th. Conferences are a great time to build community while focusing on student success. The conference scheduler is located in the Parent Portal of the Aspen Ridge website and will open on Monday, October 3rd, for grades K-8. You can also access the online scheduler link and instructions by clicking HERE. Please indicate in the comment section if you prefer a virtual appointment. (Leaving no comment will default to in-person). If you select virtual, teachers will email you a Zoom link by 4:00pm on Wednesday, October 12th. Participation is strongly encouraged for all parents of K-5 students. 

  • K-5 families can sign up here starting Monday, October 3rd. Participation is strongly encouraged for all parents of K-5 students.
  • Preschool families, communication will come directly from your teachers shortly.
  • Middle school families are welcome to schedule conferences with individual teachers as desired. Teachers will reach out directly to middle school families that would benefit from a conference.


Community is the foundation for success. Thank you for choosing to be a part of ours!

Intramural Boys' Basketball starts this week - and it's not too late to sign up! All middle school boys are welcome to join.

Thank you to Baille Barbour, State Farm agent, for being our very first Spirit Sponsor! Baille is sponsoring the first Boys' Basketball home game on Monday, October 10th, at 3:30pm. Let's all fill the stands and cheer for our Owls!

Is your business interested in being a Spirit Sponsor? Contact Celine Todd to learn more!

Join Us at Fall Fest on Saturday, 10/22!

Hop online today to buy your tickets for our Annual Fall Fest Fundraiser! This is a fun event for the whole family - and if you have friends or neighbors outside of ARPS that want to attend, all are welcome! Flyers will be coming home this week for those who prefer to pay with cash or check. The classroom that sells the most pre-sale tickets will win an extra recess!

We'll have our annual Pumpkins on Parade, with a free dress down pass for anyone who participates - and it will also be the first day of sales for the Fall Scholastic Book Fair! Happy fall, y'all!

The brand new Aspen Ridge PTO is forming now! We're excited to partner with parents to make our Aspen Ridge community stronger than ever. Our PTO page is being created now and will be your go-to spot for ongoing PTO updates.


Save the date and plan to join us at the ARPS PTO Kickoff Meeting on Wednesday, November 9th, at 6:00pm! Stay tuned for more information, coming soon!


Ready to get involved sooner than later? Our first committees are forming now! Visit our PTO Page to learn more!

This Month in Photos: Owls in Action

Our Student of the Month for September, Liv Raichart, was recognized for her "Fearlessly Flawed" message of body positivity, which she's spreading through her role as Miss Teen Colorado. Way to go, Liv! We're proud of you!

Our Aspen Ridge Girls' Volleyball team ended their season with a spirited crowd cheering them on to a BIG WIN this weekend! It's been a season of growth, bonding, and fun! Congrats, Owls! Thank you, Coach Zuppas and Coach Vallort!

Our littlest Owls are learning about Community Heroes. They had visits from Mountain View Fire Rescue and the Erie Police Department. Getting a close up look at a fire truck is always exciting!

We all love a little midday movement! Our librarian, Ms. Dieterich, led our Owls through a yoga session during library classes this month. Planks and picture books are a great combination!

Our students work hard to get the scoop for the ARPS Newsletter, an elective class for 6th, 7th, & 8th graders. Here they're working on detailed writing while enjoying some fresh air. 

The fun continues after the school day ends at Aspen Ridge! This crew of kiddos was having a blast with their buddies on the playground during our Owls' Nest After Care Program.

Volunteers Needed: 2nd Annual Science Expo

On February 15, 2023, we'll be hosting our second annual Middle School Science Exposition - and we need your help to make it a great success! During this Expo, our Middle School students will attend 30-minute workshops that expose them to different science-related fields. We are hoping to find up to 12 community experts working in science-related fields to come to our school and present engaging, hands-on demonstrations that would be repeated three times for groups of up to 16 children. Each presenter would also speak briefly about their career in science and what types of jobs are available in their field of expertise. Our Middle School teachers will be on hand to supervise each workshop and facilitate a short student reflection where students will summarize what they learned. We are anticipating each half hour session to consist of a 20-minute presentation, 5-minute student reflection, and 5-minute rotation time.

If this interests you or if you'd like to learn more, please reach out to We're excited to work with members of our community on this science based event!

Owls of the Month

Ms. Emma Barros teaches our youngest owls here at Aspen Ridge in the Preschool 3s class. She goes above and beyond in creating a classroom that is an ideal learning environment for our littlest learners, and does so with a consistently positive attitude. We're so lucky to have her on our ARPS team!

Mr. John Dowling joined Aspen Ridge as our Maintenance Technician this summer, and it sure is helpful to have him around! From painting the driveline curb green, to assembling furniture, to being willing to do any other task that comes his way, Mr. Dowling is a huge asset to our ARPS Facilities Team.

FYI: Absences at ARPS

If your child is sick or otherwise unable to attend school, the best way to let us know is by emailing you!

We Love Our ARPS Sponsors!

We have the best sponsors around, and we hope you'll show them some love when you're in need of a local service. Thank you, ARPS Sponsors!

We are now seeking sponsors for the 2022-23 school year! If you'd like to show your support for Aspen Ridge, we'd love to promote your business to our school community of students, staff, parents, and community members. 

View our sponsor tiers and benefits here, and reach out to to learn more!



Phone: (720) 242-6225