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NIA Hot Topics

May 2023

Welcome to the May edition of NIA Hot Topics, Naples Improvement Association's eNews communication.

NIA Hot Topics is distributed 1-2 weeks following the NIA's monthly board meetings. Hot Topics shares quick updates on Naples happenings, NIA business, and announcements.

Feedback? Send comments to Steve Pruitt at:

NIA Membership Drive!

Join Now!

Our new membership year runs June 1, 2023 thru May 31, 2024. 

Hopefully, you have already registered for the upcoming year, but if not, do it today at

 And….Please come out and join us at the 

Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, June 3rd 

to pick up your membership benefits or register in person!

In this issue:

  • Contessa Application due May 26!
  • Pancake Breakfast - Saturday June 3
  • In the Know
  • Flea Market - Saturday June 24
  • Chili Cookoff Signup
  • CERT Update
  • Naples Bayside Acadamy Fundraiser
  • Upcoming Naples Calendar
  • NIA Membership and Mission

Contessa Application due May 26! Click HERE to apply.

Wake up and smell the pancakes!


Naples Pancake Breakfast returns to Colonnade Park on June 3rd.


We’d love your help on anything from ticket sales, pancake mixing or flipping, sausage cooking, set-up, clean-up, and more! Please click HERE to signup to volunteer or contact Monique at


Islanders, mark your calendars! On June 3rd, from 7am-11am, Colonnade Park is the place to be for the Naples Pancake Breakfast. Join your neighbors for a delicious meal of pancakes, sausage, OJ, and coffee. Tickets are $10.

The 74th annual event promises to be more than a breakfast – it’s going to kick off summer with a full on pancake festival. Or, as our Italian friends would call it, a Festa della Frittella!


The fun starts with, what else, the Fun Run. Check-in begins at 7:45am, with the run at 8:30am. The easy 2.7 mile course winds its way around our island paradise and is open to all. It’s only $5 and a great way to work up your appetite. 


Make your way back to the Colonnade and the sweet smell of syrup and sausage. 


And, for those looking for a great bargain, venture over to the Craft Fair. Tables and booths lining Colonnade Canal promise to surprise and delight with goods from local artisans and neighborhood shops. 


Come spend the morning with your fellow Naples residents, enjoying good food, good company, and good fun. We can't wait to see you there!


The Naples Pancake Breakfast is made possible by the Naples Improvement Association (NIA) and the volunteer efforts from members of our amazing community. 


All proceeds go to support the wonderful community building activities of Naples Improvement Association (NIA). Learn more about how you can participate at

This Hot Topics section has local news that may be of interest to Naples Residents and help us all stay involved. Click the links for more info.

Phase III Seawall Meeting - June 6 at LBYC

All residents welcome. The city and marine bureau will be there to take us through the process and what to expect. LBYC 5-7 pm

Work is planned to start sometime in September.

Contributed by Cindy BamBam

SEASP Project

We’ve all been getting lots of questions about the PCH apartment complexes. These all fall within the approved SEASP plan. You all might want to take a look at this to re-familiarize yourself with SEASP, click HERE.  Naples is not within SEASP, but we are adjacent.  The restoration of the wetlands, which take up a good portion of SEASP, may not be able to proceed as approved by the city and the coastal commission due to the new state drilling prohibition. The plan is to remove the pumping from the wetlands and drill new wells where the Pumpkin Patch is. The new dwellings will now be within 3,000 feet of where the new wells were going to be drilled.

New Camera at the Fountain

Two older cameras were removed by the city IT department and a  360-degree camera was installed with point-to-zoom capability which will generate sharp close-ups. The camera's scope will be the entire park, night and day, plus the curb and blacktop areas. This will be a helpful boost to public safety and protect the fountain. A second camera, an ALPR (Automated License Plate Recognition), remains in place, it faces the Ravenna Bridge. Please review this information with your household.

Public Works Street Lighting upgraded the lamps in the 4 historic 1906 lampposts at the fountain. They have increased the light by 15%, helping the efficiency of the new camera. The new lamps are at a warm 3000 kelvins to match the other lamps on Ravenna and The Colonnade.

Contributed by Sandy Davidson

3rd District Newsletter

If you don't already receive Kristina Duggan's LB 3rd District Newsletter, sign up HERE!




Saturday, June 24th, 2023!


A fun neighborhood event/happening that benefits all of the vendors and the Naples Improvement Association! Have fun mingling with neighbors and friends while you turn your forgotten treasures into cash!!!


Mark your Calendars and start sifting through your Garage, Kitchen and closets for tools, clothes, household items, jewelry etc. etc :)


The charge for each space will be $50, a win/win as your $ go to the NIA and Flea Marketers will make $ for their wares! Please contact Margaret Malouf @ (562) 221-9495 to secure a spot ASAP!

Chili Cook-Off June 27!

Chili 🌶️ Cook-off around the corner. Please get your entries in to: Donna Kraus

Or text to 909 226 0508 

Help Keep Your Loved Ones Safe

LB CERT-Naples encourages all islanders to download the free and easy-to-use Red Cross Emergency App. to help prepare for, and manage during, an emergency. It provides step-by-step guides for preparation and a simple way to have your emergency communication plan at your fingertips. You can customize weather alerts for fast event notifications and find open Red Cross shelters, if needed.  

While checking out this app, also consider downloading the free Red Cross First Aid and Pet First Aid apps. All three are excellent resources available at, from your app store, or by texting "GETEMERGENCY" to 90999

For more tips, and information on LB CERT-Naples, visit-

Naples Bayside Academy PTA

Naples Bayside Academy Dining for Dollars May Fundraiser at OLA Mexican Kitchen, 2nd & PCH

Click HERE to download the participation flyer

Upcoming NIA and Naples EVENTS 

Gatherings, Meetings and Celebrations!

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May 30 - 1st Summer Concert

• June 3 - Pancake Breakfast, Craft Fair, Fun Run

• June 24 - Flea Market

• June 27 - 2nd Summer Concert & Chili Cook-off

• July 25 - 3rd Summer Concert

• Aug 29 - 4th Summer Concert

• Sept 10 - Street Dance Concert

More events to come for 2023!

NIA Membership

The 2023-24 Membership Drive is in FULL GO mode! Membership runs from June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024. Click HERE to sign-up!

Questions? Contact Tony Digiovanni at

NIA Mission

Promote • Unite • Improve

The mission of the NIA is to promote and protect the interests and welfare of the Naples community, particularly in regards to public improvements, public utilities and all other governmental related activities; to unite the property owners and residents for the purposes of developing and improving the civic and social interests and activities; and to partner with other organizations and associations whose missions are similar to those of the NIA.