Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... The National Parents Organization has released a “report card” evaluating the implementation of effective shared-parenting statutes across the nation — and only two states received an “A.” ..."
By Andy Christensen - The Nation Roar
"... Louise Boyce pretended her new boyfriend was her baby’s father as a substitute of the organic father, her former lover, Ashley Sayce. A court docket heard how the 30-year-old ‘acted out of spite’ by purposely leaving Sayce off the start certificates after the pair went via a bitter break up. ..."
By Stephen Marche - Esquire Middle East
"... Fatherlessness significantly affects suicide, incarceration risk, and mental health. Various studies over the years have shown that fathers spending time with their children results in a better, healthier, more educated, more stable, less criminal world. The new fatherhood is not merely a lifestyle question, it is a public good. ..."
"... It was as if Christmas, Easter and his birthday had all come at once when my husband, Rhys, was reunited with his long alienated adult children. The cherished dream had finally come true. Family. Together once again as family should be. But that dream is rapidly turning into a nightmare. ..."
By Mark Richardson - Public News Service
"... A parents' rights group rates Arizona one of the top states for policies that encourage shared parenting in child custody cases. ..."
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