Fly free, dear Ruby, clear of pain,
Our tears for you we can't contain.
You gave us joy and led the way
and brought us where we are today.
Live on in our hearts, all together.
Oh precious bird with a white tail feather.
Ruby had a way of creating calm; she just made you feel good being around her as you looked into those tranquil brown eyes.
She would be my model for first-, second- and third-year raptors when her tail was completely molted out.
During a lecture, I’d I hold up the three model raptor tails we had made up for education, and she just stood there ‘tailless’ on my glove allowing me to hold each age year where her tail should be. I can’t say for sure that she knew what I was doing, but she held there like a statue, and it felt like she was proud as she looked at the kids.
I’ll also remember her perfect voice… she missed her calling as a Hollywood ‘voice over’ for eagles!
Ruby was a remarkable bird. She will hold a special place in my heart always. Fly free beautiful spirit hawk.
~ Jeannie Smythe