Vol. 13, No. 10

October 2022

Dear Friends:

The holiday season is just around the corner. For many family caregivers, this often means more stress, frustration, and even anger. Visiting family that are critical of your caregiving work, holiday events that disrupt carefully calibrated care schedules, and money worries related to gift giving can all contribute to holiday stress for family caregivers. To help you manage the holiday season, FCA has a number of articles on topics including holiday stressfamily dynamics, gratitude, and guided audio caregiver relaxation exercises.


Calvin Hu

Education Coordinator



“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

— Laozi


FCA Infographic: Five Types of Residential Care

Caregivers may reach a time when the person they are tending to is no longer able to live at home safely. The importance most people place on home and community can make the decision of moving a loved one or family member to a residential care facility both difficult and stressful. 

FCA’s infographic, “5 Types of Residential Care,” explains the five types of outside-the-home care found in most communities, and what to expect from each. Learn which options are best suited for an individual’s wants or needs, including smaller, more homey environments, apartment-like residential communities, facilities offering memory and dementia care, and facilities offering 24-hour nursing supervision.

“5 Types of Residential Care” is based on our popular fact sheet on the same topic, and drawn from our 40+ years of experience supporting family caregivers throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. It’s part of a series of ten all-new infographics, each featuring bite-sized tips and helpful ideas on a variety of subjects related to family caregiving and working successfully with people with dementia.

In Memoriam: Debra Schwartz

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Debra Schwartz, our dedicated and long-time volunteer. Debra began to volunteer for FCA in 2013. Sweet, thoughtful, and engaged, Debra was a valued member of our team, working on innumerable tasks and projects over the years to benefit caregivers. Despite developing symptoms in her late teens of what would later be diagnosed as Bi-Polar Disorder, she was able to complete college and get a degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. She worked briefly with young children before her illness became too disruptive. After moving to San Francisco in the 1980’s she worked at the Mental Health Administrative Office for several years and then, always wishing to serve in some capacity, volunteered for the SF Book Project before coming to Family Caregiver Alliance. We are so grateful for her warmth, generosity, fun sense of humor and her many contributions to our work.

Get Your Own Personalized Caregiving Resource Dashboard

Go online to complete a brief questionnaire and get a personal dashboard loaded with information that matches your unique caregiving needs. CareNav, our secure online service, offers quality information, support, and resources for family caregivers of adults with chronic physical or cognitive conditions such as Alzheimer’s, stroke, Parkinson’s, and other illnesses.

To learn more, click here or register here.

Senior Driving: Mobility Matters (webinar recording)

As we age, we change physically and mentally. These changes can and do have an effect on driving skills. Getting older does not automatically make us poor drivers and many people continue to be safe drivers. However, older caregivers, family, or friends may come to a point where they are concerned for the safety of those who may no longer be able to drive safely. This webinar introduces caregivers and professionals to the California DMV Senior Driver Ombudsman program. Listeners will learn how this program addresses the unique concerns of senior drivers, keeping them on the road for as long as possible, while maintaining safety as the top priority.

Presented by Jerrod E. Sieberg, California DMV Senior Driver Ombudsman 

To view a recording of this webinar please click here.

Holding a Family Meeting

Caregivers are often advised to seek help to lessen the caregiving workload. For many individuals, the natural place to turn for such help is family. FCA’s Holding a Family Meeting fact sheet provides information on how to approach the subject, advice on creating an agenda, lists key points to consider discussing, and explains potential conflicts that may arise.

Caregiver Resource Center Classes 

The California Caregiver Resource Centers (CRC) serve families and caregivers of adults affected by chronic and debilitating health conditions (FCA is the San Francisco Bay Area CRC). FCA is now hosting a calendar of classes, workshops, and events compiled from each of the 11 CRCs and open to family caregivers across the country.

For more information on November’s classes, please click here.


The Ins and Outs of Paid Family Leave and Related Rights for Family Caregivers (webinar)

November is National Family Caregivers month, but we all know caregivers work year-round to provide care and support for their loved ones. It can be tricky to navigate how to take paid leave from work while caring for a family member. It often involves multiple steps and can be difficult to find comprehensive answers. This webinar from Legal Aid at Work will walk through how to apply for Paid Family Leave and how to protect your job while taking leave to care for your loved ones, including tips on how to speak to your employer.

Presented by Sharon Terman, Director of the Work and Family Program and Senior Staff Attorney at Legal Aid at Work and Sela Steiger, staff attorney in the Work and Family Program and Legal Aid at Work

When: Wednesday, November 30, from 11 a.m. to 12 noon (PT)


Cost: No Charge

Contact: edprograms@caregiver.org

Registration: Click here

This webinar is funded by Alameda County Department of Adult and Aging Services, Contra Costa County Area Agency on Aging, the City and County of San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services, San Mateo County Aging and Adult Services, Sourcewise, and the California Department of Aging.


Caregiving can Turn Your Retirement Plans Upside Down 

For many Americans, retirement is seen as a much deserved time of rest and leisure marking the end of decades of hard work. Becoming a family caregiver can come as an unexpected event upending your plans. MarketWatch’s Richard Eisenberg gives tips on how to manage being a caregiver during retirement, gleaned from the hard earned experience of family caregivers, and caregivng experts including FCA Clinical Services Director and Family Consultant Christina Irving. 

What to Know now That Hearing Aids are Available Over the Counter 

The average cost of a single hearing aid is $2,000 ($4,000 for a pair). Just this month, hearing aids can now be bought over the counter. These over the counter hearing aids will be less expensive as there will be no medical exam, prescription, or fitting. NPR journalists Joe Hernandez and Nina Keck explain what consumers should keep in mind if opting to purchase an over the counter hearing aid


Let’s Get Away Together

This series is comprised of interactive sessions with each week focusing on a new place or cultural activity, while incorporating storytelling, music, poetry writing, and/or a simple craft. Each session will include a follow-up message filled with tips, activities, and recipes for families to continue to enjoy after the virtual trip. The focus of each group is to explore a new world, experience a variety of engaging opportunities, and enjoy a sense of camaraderie and community. 

Let’s Get Away Together is intended to be an enjoyable activity for family caregivers and the person they care for. Those receiving care who are able to participate in the discussion and activities are encouraged to attend with their family caregiver. Read a Q&A about the series here.

November 1

Let’s talk about BABIES!

Who doesn’t love babies? Join us as we reminisce and share fun facts about children around the world. 

November 8

From Pole to Pole

Join us in a journey exploring the North and South Poles!

November 15

What brings you Joy?

Join FCA in an interactive discussion about Joy, including tips and tricks for finding it in your everyday life. 

November 22

NO GROUP for Thanksgiving!

November 29

Through the Impressionists’ Eyes 

Let’s explore the world around Impressionist painters, as it relates to their unique art style. 

December 6

Let’s go to Santa Barbara! 

Join FCA on a local getaway to a favorite coastal California destination.  

December 13

Let’s Visit Canada

Travel with us for a look at our neighbors to the north!

December 20

Let’s explore tropical islands

Join FCA as we escape winter to some rather unusual islands!

When: Tuesdays, October 25 to December 20, from 1 to 2 p.m (PT)

Where: Online

Cost: No charge  

Registration: Click here 

This series is funded by Alameda County Department of Adult and Aging Services, Contra Costa County Area Agency on Aging, the City of San Francisco’s Department of Disability and Aging Services, San Mateo County Aging and Adult Services, Sourcewise, and the California Department of Aging.

Como Hablar con su Doctor (How to talk to your doctor)

Es muy probable que usted, como cuidador de la familia, se haya encontrado gradualmente asumiendo el papel de cuidar a su ser querido a medida que la demencia o otra enfermedad incapacitante se ha afianzado, y un primer encuentro con el sistema de atención médica lo ha dejado confundido y con una sensación de que el sistema es muy impersonal. Este taller ayuda a clarificar las realidades actuales de la experiencia del cuidado de la salud, le enseña cómo identificar y usar técnicas de comunicación más efectivas con los profesionales de la salud, y a practicar herraminetas poderosas y técnicas de comunicación para ser un mejor defensor en nombre de su ser querido.

Dia/Hora: 10 de noviembre, 3 p.m. a 4 p.m. (hora del pacífico)

Costo: Gratis

Para Participar: https://tinyurl.com/FCAmedico2022

Para obtener más información o ayuda: Adriana Sanchez,

asanchez@caregiver.org, (415) 434-3388, ext. 316

Esta clase está abierta para Cuidadores de Familia en la área de la Bahía.

Esta clase está financiada por Alameda County Department of Adult and Aging Services, Contra Costa County Area Agency on Aging, the City of San Francisco’s Department of Disability and Aging Services, San Mateo County Aging and Adult Services, Sourcewise, and the California Department of Aging.

⽼年⼈⽼年退化症 101 (Dementia 101)

對於家庭照顧者來說, 照顧患有⽼年退化症的家⼈是⼀件⾮常艱難的⼯作。我們家庭者照顧聯盟現在提供⼀個關於怎樣能更明⽩有效地照顧以及怎樣與患⽼年退化症病⼈交流溝通的講座。這次的講座也會為照顧者提供⼀些怎樣處理⽼年⼈退化症病變應對的資訊。

時間: 講座將於11⽉18號, 上午10:00開始

費⽤: 不收費

聯絡: 曾泰莎姑娘, ttsang@caregiver.org, (415) 434-3388 x304

網上課程鏈接: tinyurl.com/FCA1122

或者: 去www.zoom.us, 輸⼊登⼊ID: 870 0561 2600和密碼: 264876

或者: 電話登⼊⽅法: (669)900-6833, , 輸⼊登⼊ID: 870 0561 2600和密碼: 264876


This class is funded by Alameda County Department of Adult and Aging Services, Contra Costa County Area Agency on Aging, the City and County of San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services, San Mateo County Aging and Adult Services, Sourcewise, and the California Department of Aging.

Caregiving 101

Caregiving 101 gives a general overview of what it means to be a caregiver and how caregiving impacts ones overall health and wellbeing. This specific class offers general information on respite, caregiver stress, ways to find help, and a few more topics related to caregiving.

This workshop is open to family caregivers.  

This workshop is funded by Alameda County Department of Adult and Aging Services, Contra Costa County Area Agency on Aging, the City of San Francisco’s Department of Disability and Aging Services, San Mateo County Aging and Adult Services, Sourcewise, and the California Department of Aging.

When: December 14, from 1 to 2 p.m. (PT)

Where: Online

Cost: No charge 

Registration: Click here


Caregiving Policy Digest

Caregiving Policy Digest is a publication of the National Center on Caregiving, a program of Family Caregiver Alliance. The newsletter offers a fresh look at the rapidly changing world of caregiving policy―at the local, national, and international levels.

You’ll receive briefings on key legislation, news on innovative public programs, and the latest information on caregiving and long-term care policy at national and state levels. Subscribe here.


Professional Research Listings

Graduate Student Research Listings

AND ...
Thank you!
We would like to take a moment to extend a warm thank you to the many generous supporters who make the work we do possible through thoughtful donations to Family Caregiver Alliance.

FCA has led the way in supporting family caregivers for over 40 years. Your donation makes all the difference!

You can also help support FCA by choosing us as your Amazon Smile charity.

Editors: Calvin Hu, Al Martinez
Contributors: Kathleen Kelly, Executive Director, Calvin Hu, Lana Sheridan, Leah Eskenazi


President: Scott Peifer

Vice-Presidents: Ian Tong, Catherine Lelong

Treasurer: Keely Stevenson

Secretary: Amanda Breeden Warner

Athan Bezaitis, Amber Christ, Deborah Kan, Shruti Kothari, Mary Ellen Kullman, Dan Lieberman, Kathleen Raffel, Tiffany Riser, Wyatt Ritchie, Karen Sperling, Celine Takatsuno.

235 Montgomery Street | Suite 930 | San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (800) 445-8106 | Email: info@caregiver.org
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