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It's Not About The Religion,
It's About The Relationship!
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This week's message:

"From Ordinary

to Extraordinary"

See Previously Recorded Messages

Happy Thursday Church!

I hope that your week is going “swimmingly.” Many thanks to everyone who made worship so meaningful on Sunday. I loved the way we “roll with it” when things don’t go as planned. This past Sunday, we were missing a tech crew member, and low and behold, Julie Hume stepped up to the plate and ran our slides for the service. This willingness to try something new and to make sure our worship experience happens is a key to who we are as a church. Thank you, Julie, for stepping up to the plate and to the rest of the team for getting her up to speed on our processes. It means so much to me, as your pastor, to not have to deal with tech issues.  I love our tech team.

As much as things seem to stay the same, there are things in our church that are changing and growing. For years our Board of C.A.R.E. (Congregation/Community, Activities, Recreation and Evangelism) have worked under a “job” description that is simply not attainable. This year, with the blessing of our church council, we will be re-imagining our C.A.R.E. team to do exactly that … CARE. Caring for our congregation is a full-time job and this group is now going to be assisting the pastors in making sure that needs are met and that the pastors are aware of any special needs and requests. In a way, this amazing group of people will be acting as “deacons,” in our church. Stay tuned there is more to come. If you have a compassionate and empathetic heart this could be the perfect place to plug into ministry.  

Sunday, we will continue our focus on the UCC Statement of Faith. You will notice that in our entry this week, we are turning a corner, with some incredible statements about our faith and practice. I hope you will continue to be in worship, either in-person or online. Until then, know that you are loved by a God who “gets you.” Live into your authentic self and let’s make an impact on our community and city. I love being your pastor.

Holding you close and lifting you high!

Pastor Greg

A Message from Pastor Debbie

Hi Dear Ones,

Thank you for your kind words about my niece. Death can be frustrating in some situations. I try to look for some blessings in every situation, and even in a tragic death, there has been light. How wonderful as people of faith that we know to go to God. That is the joy I want all to know.


My office has never been known for being extremely neat. For many years, I ministered to youth-should I say more? Well now, my office has other items in it to clutter it up. We are going throughout the church and disposing of old records that we no longer need to keep (remind you of many of our garages?) Those records are in my office. Pat and I could REALLY use your help in sieving through the boxes. We will then take non-essential items to be shredded. We will take whatever time you can donate. Just let me know.


Pastor Debbie

Andy's Antiphonal Allegories


Safe Superbowl

Joan Bleigh-taken to hospital

Congrats on the birth of Baby Brooks, parents Kellen and Amanda, and grandparents Butch and Jean Young.

Family of Linda Graham, friend of Colleen Clementson

Betty Nagatani

William, Kristie’s friend

Elena, grand-niece of the Shelley’s

Sue, friend of Kristie

Joshua, friend of Rosemary

Jim Siltanen

Rocelle Melone

Dianne Florio

Joanne Jonas

Elaine Lemon

Nina Melad

Sam, Felicia and Nellie-Felicia’s Sister

Be in Prayer for our Siblings in Turkey and Syria

Please be in prayer for our siblings who are attempting to recover from the catastrophic earthquake and aftershocks that hit Turkey and Syria. It is always sobering to see the destruction that results from a strong quake. As we live in a quake-prone zone, may we be in prayer for those family who have lost loved ones, over 6000 at this point.  


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Community Clean Up!

Attention Church Family! We are holding another cleanup this February 12th, at 10:30am. We will meet in Church after the service!

If you have interest, please contact Ryan Kelton @

Greetings From Outreach!

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Greetings from Outreach

 I hope you read the message in last week’s Buzz from Cathy Evans! She wrote a lovely thank you for sharing your gifts with those living on the streets of San Diego. If you missed it look back to find her wonderful message of gratitude.

 This month our Basket of Hope will be for Interfaith Community Services in Escondido. At their last gathering, they expressed a great need for children's warm jackets. So of course, the Community Church of Poway is happy to help by sharing our gifts! So, if you are able, please bring a new or gently used toddler to 3rd-grade size jacket to add to the basket in the Narthex.

Help us to bring joy and warmth to our neighbors!

As always, thank you for your amazing support of ALL of our Outreach projects. Sharing your gifts brings God’s love to others❤️

Thank You!

Many Blessings,

The Outreach Ministry

 A Note From Cathy Evans

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed at Ladle last Sunday. We served over 200 meals and gave out your donations which was the best haul ever! This past Sunday we gave out over 30 plus jeans and men’s pants, 38 more blankets (20 total which was flannel quilts sewn by the Community Church of Poway’s Sewing Ministry and even had 8 sleeping bags and enough jackets for this cold cold weather.

I know Ladle feeds the homeless every Sunday. But for this one Sunday... it warms my heart that with all your support, we are able to give their guests some warm clothing and a hot meal in memory of Matt!

With a grateful heart,

Cathy - Matt’s Mom


May we always be silly and bring joy! Matt knew how to do that well!


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The JOY of FOOD!

Each week there will be a “Recipe of the Week” for the Buzz!

There will be a red basket in the Narthex where you can drop off your favorite recipes or please email them to It can be any recipe from family favorites to ones recently discovered! We will be encouraging you to share your thoughts after you made the dish too. 

Unfortunately, I have not received any new recipes this week, so I am keeping up the last week until I receive more! - Julie

This week's recipe is Sweet and Tangy Carrots!

Sent in by Ryan Kelton, thank you! 

Click Here for Sweet and Tangy Carrots Recipe!


Who's got an upcoming BIRTHDAY?  

The Community Church of Poway wishes the following member a Happy Birthday. We hope you have a blessed day celebrating YOU! 

Jeanette Roache Feb. 14 Christopher Nicholas Jan.26

Rachel Abell Jan.29

Things to Look Forward To!

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Adult Scripture Review:

Sunday’s following worship in the fireside room!

Email Susan Gurriell


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Books & More

This month Books & More will read and discuss " The Whistler", by John Grisham. A corrupt judge, theft from a Tribal casino, a fatal car wreck, and disappearing witnesses converge in The Whistler. 

Please note: We will be meeting off-site Feb. 28.  

Books & More will meet at our regular meeting place, the Fireside Room on Tuesdays at 10:00 am.


All are welcome to join us.  

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Centering Prayer:

Tuesdays at 6:30 Contact Colleen Clementson

at or on

her cell at 858-663-6584, for the ZOOM invite

Your Favorite Weekly Joke 

Thank you for checking out our BUZZ! Here is what you were waiting for! If you have a favorite joke or any tips to make the BUZZ even better, please send emails to :)

This week's joke was sent in by Megan, Mina Foster's Grandaughter. Thank you Megan and Mina!

Joke of the Week:

"What did one elevator say to another elevator??


I think I'm coming down with something !!"

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