Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
News Articles
“…The many moving parts of a divorce can make parenting extra difficult. For fathers, maintaining healthy relationships with children can be especially challenging without the right help and approach…”
"...Children from separated households benefit from shared parenting, members of the judiciary and the legal profession have been told during training on positive parenting strategies..."
"...A manipulative technique often used by narcissistic individuals, particularly during and after divorce, is triangulation. An attempt to destabilize relationships by leveraging a third party can profoundly impact children and lead to the loss of a relationship between one parent and their child..."
"...Divorce ends the marriage contract; but, if there are joint children, then an ongoing parental relationship usually continues as shared caring and responsibility for child welfare keeps ex-partners still family connected..."
"...The Washington State legislature defines a “Parenting Plan” as “a plan for parenting the child, including allocation of parenting functions, which plan is incorporated in any final decree or decree of modification in an action for dissolution of marriage or domestic partnership, declaration of invalidity, or legal separation.”..."
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Family Reunion helps to assure that healthy families are the foundation of communities and society. 
Educational Videos
Family Reunion has 7 educational videos on a variety of family related issues. Check them out on our website.
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