Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
By James Varney - The Washington Times 
“…It also highlights alternative divorce programs that encourage mediation and shared parenting, which prevent future childhood trauma and make divorce and separation less costly both financially and emotionally, Ms. Gentile said…”
“…And that includes family court, where too often mom is made the primary custodial parent and dad is given “visitation.” This can happen without anyone—including the couple involved—questioning it…”
“…Sadly, the children and grandchildren who are alienated from family are being treated as pawns and property. They are neither. They are human beings, and they should not be regarded as such by their parents or any other family member. We contend that it should be illegal to use children as pawns or instruments of spiteful behavior to prevent them from interacting with ALL other family members…”
“...Christopher kept the faith and contested the adoption. Court records show that his paternal rights were terminated without his permission. At one point he and his lawyers were willing to adopt his own daughter back. After almost a year a judge sided with him. Baby Skyler was sent back to South Carolina and the courts granted Christopher sole custody of his daughter…”
By Chris Nickson - Separated Dads 
“...When separation occurs, it’s very typical for children to be unhappy and want their parents to remain together. That unhappiness can translate into low self-esteem, behavioral problems, and a sense of loss...”
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