Humpback Whale Entanglement in Monterey Bay
On November 11, 2023 a humpback whale was sighted in Monterey Bay and the disentanglement team responded immediately. This is the fourth entangled humpback sighted in Monterey Bay in 2023. The whale was tightly wrapped around the head with what was identified later as CA Dungeness crab pot gear. Analysis by experts on the video and photos
stated that the gear was likely on the whale for at least three months or more. According to CDFW, based on the tags, the whale had picked up the gear in the Point Reyes region. The response team was able to reach the whale, although because of the head wrap, it was too challenging to effectively attach telemetry gear. The team was not able to track the whale after
it departed, and to date (Nov 17) it has not been re-sighted or rescued. NMFS has confirmed 25 entangled whales along the West Coast in 2023 (9 gray, 14 humpback and 2 Orca) and 16 of the 25 were entangled in California. Four entangled humpback whales were sighted in Monterey Bay, three of which were entangled in “unknown” gear meaning experts were
not able to confirm to which fishery the gear belongs. Based on the 3-year rolling average
impact score (3.39 excluding the 11/11 entanglement) from the number of entanglements
in CA and the high concentrations of whales present, CDFW continues to delay the season
opener for the commercial Dungeness crab fishery for all fishing zones. Whale entanglements are identified by the West Coast Region as part of the Whale Conservation priority as entanglements represent one of the major threats to large whales, including endangered humpback and blue whales
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