Middle School - "IGNITE" @ 9:45 am - "Ignite" will wrap up the Jesus Quiz. Youth, please remember to bring your electronic devices as an aide in determining the answers. Every point matters!
We'll also cover more on the background of Lent and have a brief moment to reflect on our lives, our spiritual growth, and our commitment this season.
High School - "Cross Trainers" @ 9:45 am - We will finish our series on James.
Sunday Night Small Group/Activity Night at 5:30 - Activity Night! Reminder that on the 25th, we will again go to Youth Day at Virginia Wesleyan University in lieu of the usual evening meeting. Permission slips are out and available.
Mission Trip - Registration forms are out and available for the summer mission trip June 23 - June 29th! First come first served for limited spots on that trip.
CAST Dinner - Save the date! The Youth group is signed up to handle preparing & serving the CAST(Chesapeake Area Shelter Team) dinners on Sunday March 3rd. Please plan to serve and be a light to our homeless population right here in our area. Permission slips will be out for this soon.
Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Dinner, Trivia, Children's activities will take place from 5:00 - 6:30 on February 13th.