University Unitarian Church eNewsletter
February 9, 2024
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Sunday, February 11
All Ages worship services at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. in the chapel and via live stream
The UUC Youth and Youth Ministry Coordinator, Amanda Mack, will lead the All Ages worship services.
Music by the Youth, the All Voices Choir; Cally Lindenmier, alto; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Order of Service
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Science Book Group
Tuesdays, February 13 & 27, 7 p.m. in Knatvold and via Zoom
Our February book is Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. We will discuss the first half of the book on February 13 and wrap up discussion on February 27.
"Engaging the reader in a lively conversation about how we think, Kahneman reveals where we can and cannot trust our intuitions and how we can tap into the benefits of slow thinking. He offers practical and enlightening insights into how choices are made in both our business and our personal lives..." [Continue reading]
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Register Now for Parent Night Out
Friday, February 16, drop-off begins at 5:30 p.m. and pick-up is by 9:00 p.m.
Register now (via UUC Connect)
Parents of children ages 6 months through 5th grade are invited to drop their kiddos off for an evening of creative fun and enjoy a night to themselves!
At this Parent Night Out event, children will learn about Love as an important part of our religious tradition and reflect together about how it informs our values and covenant: What does it mean to love someone? How do we show our love for our family; friends and community; the world? [Continue reading]
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pUUget Sound Youth Con
Saturday & Sunday, March 2 & 3 at Shoreline UU Church, by registration (by February 16)
Shoreline UU Church is hosting the pUUget Sound Youth Con on Saturday, March 2, to Sunday, March 3, and UU are invited! Youth from throughout the Puget Sound are going to be attending. If you or your high school youth have been wondering how to get involved in UUC’s youth group and/or would like to link into the broader UU youth culture evolving in our region, this is the moment to show up! [Continue reading]
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Donate Blood at UUC
Wednesday, February 21, 12–6 p.m. in Nathan Johnson Hall
In February, you can show your community that you care by donating blood. It's a simple and easy process that only takes an hour from check-in to post-donation cookie. Donated blood is crucial for cancer treatment, surgeries, and trauma situations. That's why we're urgently looking for new and returning donors to help maintain a safe and reliable blood supply. By donating, you're doing something great for patients and their loved ones, and possibly your loved ones too. [Continue reading]
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Spring Reflection Groups
Apply by February 23; groups start in March
UUC members and friends are invited to apply for Spring Reflection Groups, offering spiritual exploration and practice in companionship with others. Small groups of 8-10 will begin in March and continue for six two-hour sessions, usually meeting twice a month. Trained facilitators will help participants to share insights gained through personal introspection inspired by the selected guiding text, Fierce Love: A Bold Path to Ferocious Courage and Rule-Breaking Kindness That Can Heal the World, by the Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis. [Continue reading]
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Wise Women Connecting for Fun and Games
Saturday, February 24, 1–3 p.m. in Nathan Johnson Hall
Wise Women Connecting will gather on February 24 for an afternoon of games and fun together. Participants are welcome to bring games and snacks to share in Nathan Johnson Hall where we can spread out at tables to play in small groups. Board games and card games (that have a shorter play time than Monopoly and) that can be played by 4 to 8 people will work the best with our time frame. Please bring a deck of cards. Finger foods would be the best snacks to eat while playing games. [Continue reading]
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Viewing of “I Am Not Your Negro”
Sunday, February 25, 12:45–3:15 p.m. in Knatvold
In recognition of Black History Month, UUC's Acting for Racial Justice Team is sponsoring a showing of the award-winning 2016 documentary “I Am Not Your Negro.” "I Am Not Your Negro" is a journey into Black history that connects the past of the Civil Rights movement to the present of #Black Lives Matter. Drawing on unpublished writings of intellectual and activist James Baldwin (1924-1987), as well as his own experiences, observations, and recollections of leading civil rights leaders, this compelling film offers an opportunity to reflect on the history of racism in the U.S.
Join us after UUC’s second service on Sunday, February 25, from 12:45 to 3:15 p.m. for the film and a facilitated discussion.
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Wrestling With the Truth of Colonization: Training Opportunity
Monday and Thursday evenings, February 26–March 11, 6–8 p.m. via Zoom, registration required
You are invited to join “Wrestling with the Truth of Colonization,” a workshop series hosted by Sound Alliance and co-sponsored by UUC’s Acting for Racial Justice Team. Over five sessions, participants will engage in learning and reflection around the truth of colonization, its ongoing impact in the region where we live, and Indigenous movements of resistance and resiliency. It is offered locally in partnership with United Indians of All Tribes Foundation in Seattle. [Continue reading]
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Racial Justice: The Power of History Is in Telling the Truth
Highlighting Bryan Stevenson, author of Just Mercy and founder of the Equal Justice Initiative
In honor of Black History Month, UUC’s Acting for Racial Justice Team is offering articles to the UUC community about Black people and places that contribute to telling the truth about racial injustice in this country.
Just Mercy: A Story of Justice & Redemption is a powerful bestselling book written by Bryan Stevenson about the mass incarceration of Blacks, the poor, children, and other oppressed people. Bryan Stevenson is the founder of the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) in Montgomery, Alabama. [Continue reading]
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We recently learned that long-time member Helen Tillotson died on July 24, 2023, at the age of 97. Helen and her spouse Lee Tillotson joined the church in 1986, looking for “an opportunity to meet with others interested in a religious growth which is changing and evolving,” according to her membership questionnaire from that time. She was a steady participant in UUC Covenant Groups for many years. [Continue reading]
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Supporting Trans Families Needing to Relocate
Sunday, February 11, 1–2 p.m. in Knatvold and via Zoom
Pink Haven Coalition Info Session With UUSC
Rev. Beth Chronister
As many of you know, our trans and gender expansive Beloveds are under attack and being criminalized in many US states right now. This is so serious that they fit the criteria to be designated as internally displaced people (IDPs) by the United Nations. The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) are partnering directly with frontline trans-led organizing to create networks of safety and direct support for Beloveds who need to relocate, to access healthcare across state lines, or to stay as safe as possible where they are. Not surprisingly, many families are hoping to relocate to Seattle. [Continue reading]
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Fleagle Lecture: David Domke
Sunday, March 10
David Domke will be our pulpit Sunday morning and deliver our Fleagle Lecture that afternoon.
Sermon (9:30 and 11:15 a.m.)
Selma to Seattle: It’s Our Time to Cross the Bridge
Fleagle Lecture (1:30 p.m.)
American Democracy in Peril: What History Tells Us and How We Take Action Today
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Care Team Asks "How Can We Help You?" | |
The UUC Care Team serves people in the UUC community when they encounter illness, grief, medical events, and other life issues. We all need a little help sometimes. If you find yourself needing a listening ear or a little help, please email the Care Team or leave a message on our confidential voicemail at (206) 454-7722. We are trained lay volunteers. We check for messages twice daily and keep your information confidential.
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Planning Your Thoughtful Ending
Sunday, March 24, 1–3:30 p.m. at Shoreline UU Church, RSVP required
In our recent Estate Planning Basics session at UUC on January 20, we were advised by estate planning attorney Jamie Clausen that our personal estate plans should include three key documents: 1) Will; 2) Durable Power of Attorney for Finances; and 3) Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare. You can arrange for these documents on your own, and/or in collaboration with an attorney.
You may find it helpful to know that our UU friends at Shoreline Unitarian are scheduling a session in March to guide individuals in completing their own Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare. [Continue reading]
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Sunday, February 18
Rev. Beth Chronister will lead the services. Music by the Loft Choir; Ian Loney, tenor; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday, February 25
Rev. Jon Luopa will lead the services. Music by the Loft Choir; Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday, March 3
Rev. Jon Luopa will lead the services. Music by the Loft Choir; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
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Sunday Worship at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m.
Join us for our Sunday morning services at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. in our chapel or via our live stream.
Click here for information on Sunday programs for children and youth.
Current health safety protocols at UUC: Facemasks are optional but welcomed, especially while singing. For the well-being of everyone in our community, please STAY HOME if you have cold or flu-like symptoms, even if you're sure it’s "just a cold."
UUC monitors Public Health – Seattle & King County COVID-19 data dashboards and advisories, updating our health safety protocols accordingly. We also consult CDC About COVID-19 resources to inform our decisions. We additionally track Washington State Department of Public Health Resources and Recommendations for Business and Workers for guidance around COVID-19 safeguards for staff and visitors.
Please continue to check in at a kiosk or on the paper sign-in sheet when entering the building. This helps us better understand attendance on Sundays and for programs and meetings throughout the week. If you would like to be added to our email list for church-wide announcements, please include your email address and phone number on the paper sign-in sheet.
Click here for more information about Sunday mornings..
The Gateway eNewsletter is sent out each Friday. Announcements received by 9 a.m. Tuesday will be included each week.
Email submissions to Please put the date and name of your event in the Subject: line of the email.
Click here to subscribe. (There is an Unsubscribe link below.)
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