Newsletter, October 2022
CCF Faculty Affiliate Aims To Address Autism Language Delays, Earlier
Dr. Meghan Swanson, assistant professor of psychology and CCF faculty affiliate, has received a five-year, $3.7 million grant from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders--a component of the National Institutes of Health--to identify language and communication markers for autism in infants. Research has shown that early intervention for children with autism is linked to improved development, especially in language skills. With that in mind, researchers have pushed to discover methods for detecting the potential for autism in infants in the first two years of life, before symptoms appear. Read more...
Meet the New REUs!
Our next cohort of students in our National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates program site have begun their year-long experience with us. We look forward to introducing you to all 11 of them over the next few months!
Andrea Roguer

"What I am looking forward to the most is participating in something meaningful for our community. I am excited to meet everyone, build relationships with - and learn from - my fellow REU peers, the REU staff, and the families we will work with throughout the program."
Marley Richter

"I am most excited about using science to work closely with my community, share my experiences, and collaborate with like-minded students."
Bahia Ramirez

"I am passionate about uplifting Black and Brown communities through psychological and developmental research. Participating in this program provides this opportunity, as well as meeting like-minded individuals who are interested in changing the world through research and science."
Recruiting Children Ages 4 - 7 Years Old for Research Study
The Language in Motion Lab at The University of Texas at Dallas is recruiting children ages 4 - 7 years old. English-speaking children with speech and/or language difficulties and those with typical speech and language skills are invited to attend. The goal is to better understand motor and language learning. The study has from 1 to 10 sessions, each lasting about one hour. Children will receive a free speech, language, and hearing evaluation. Children will also receive a toy and parents will be paid $20 for each session. See here for more information.
Recruiting Children Ages 5 - 10 Years Old for Online Research Studies
The Think Lab at The University of Texas at Dallas is recruiting children ages 5 - 10 years old for various studies, completed online, on how children think. Participants will receive Amazon gift cards for their participation. See here for more information.
Urban Speech and Language Initiative Partners UTD & DISD
The Urban Speech and Language Initiative is a partnership between the UT Dallas Callier Center for Communication Disorders and the Dallas Independent School District (DISD). The initiative gives speech-language pathology graduate students at UT Dallas the opportunity to work with children in the urban public-school setting and empowers DISD to recruit, employ, and retain speech-language pathologists (SLPs) that offer children high-quality, consistent care. "I don't know of any other place in the country that provides such a unique partnership between a university program and the local school district," said Dr. Judy Rich, UT Dallas professor and president of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Read more...
From the Director
We are in the midst of a busy semester, engaging with families in our outreach programs and training students in our Research Experiences for Undergraduates program site. Faculty from the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences are busy teaching, writing, and conducting research. You can see descriptions of some of their research activities above. If you or your friends know of children and families who might be interested in participating in this important work, please sign up or share the opportunity. We are proud to have faculty affiliates in editorial roles: Dr. Rob Ackerman as consulting editor for Psychological Assessment, Dr. Candice Mills as consulting editor for Developmental Psychology, and Dr. Jackie Nelson as consulting editor for the Journal of Family Psychology and senior associate editor of the Journal of Child and Family Studies, among others. CCF utilizes faculty knowledge and expertise at all junctures, and we are so grateful for their input.