Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
By Mark Bliss - Southeast Missourian
"... A documentary, “Erasing Family,” was shown Oct. 29 at The Concourse event center. The film explores the trauma experienced by children “when a loving, fit parent is erased from their lives due to separation and divorce,” said Linda Reutzel, who chairs the Missouri chapter of the National Parents Organization. ..."
"... In the past, it was always believed that the best place for a child was with their mother. Now, we know better. What's best for a child is to have two involved parents. ..."
"... Like it or not, if you have 50/50 custody, you’re going to be more involved with your ex-spouse. In order to have a successful parenting arrangement, you need to be respectful. ..."
By John McElhenney - The Good Men Project
"... And that might sound dramatic, but depression is a black beast I know well, and the divorce and separation from my children, pushed me into some of the darkest moments of my life, thus far. ..."
By Kari Clemmer - The Star
"... Making a choice to co-parent respectfully and responsibly is so that your child(ren) are not paying a price for anger and or emotion that you may have toward your ex. Your child(ren) deserve nothing less than respectful and responsible co-parenting from the two people they look up to. ..."
"... Some surveys have found that between 5% and 10% of people who take a DNA test discover their father isn’t who they thought he was, in circumstances that encompass infidelity, undisclosed adoptions, rape and even babies being switched at birth. ..."
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