Support Our 2021 Year-End Campaign!
We have launched our 2021 Year-End Campaign. With your support,
we can continue to fund our educational, media, and advocacy
programs that promote shared parenting.
Would you be willing to make a year-end donation of $25, $50,
$100, or any amount you can afford?

We simply can’t do it without you. Your support will make a real and lasting impact in the lives of children and families.
It's Time for Family Reunion
How We Advocate
Family Reunion is dedicated to creating public awareness through our educational programs, videos, social networking, media campaigns, and advocacy programs. We reach out to decision-makers at both the State and Federal level, as well as, civil rights organizations.

We participate in local community events to share and disseminate information on shared parenting. Family Reunion also works with existing organizations, experts, and individuals dedicated to making much-needed changes to the family court system so that children's best interests can be supported.
Join Our Family
By becoming a member of Family Reunion, you can help us support our educational, media and advocacy programs.
Family Reunion | 661-829-6847 | [email protected] |
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