36 Main Street, Newtown, CT

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Order a Trinity t-shirt!

In preparation for Newtown's Labor Day Parade (September 2nd), we are ordering Trinity t-shirts! We have found a vendor that will have the shirts ready for the parade, and only cost $10 each. If you would like to order one, please call or email Kim by the end of the day on Monday. Please include size, quantity, and method of payment. There will also be order forms in the sanctuary. Cash or checks can be placed in the collection envelope, mailed to the office, or dropped off in the office. Please be sure to include your name so it can be matched up with your shirt. Let's show Newtown how proud we are to be a part of Trinity Episcopal Church!

Confirmation Conversations!

We invite all those planning to be Confirmed or Received into the Episcopal Church to join in Confirmation Conversations this summer at Trinity Church. Rev. Andrea has collected a lovely list of both youth and adults, and there is still room for more to join.

Summer is full of travel and vacations, so we ask that you plan to attend 3 of these dates. In addition, you may also arrange a meeting with Rev. Andrea at the Church office if you wish. Readings, videos, and other ways of preparing for Confirmation or Reception will be announced when we gather. (Each meeting will be approximately one hour long.)

Thursday, August 22 at 6:30 PM

Sunday, August 25 at 10:45 AM

Please RSVP to the Church Office with the dates you plan to attend.

Pantry Needs this week

Pasta sauce


Pet food



Please note - we are all stocked up on peanut butter, canned veggies and rice - thank you!

Weekly Happenings

Trinity's nursery is open every Sunday from 9:15 - 11:15, and is professionally staffed by Wee Care Nanny Agency.

Trinity's Grief Support Group runs every first and third Thursday of the month from 4-5:15pm, and is open to all.

New Process for Vouchers

Thank you to all of you who have seamlessly transitioned over to the new system - it is such a pleasure to be working with Lori Rohrbacher again!

Vouchers can now be submitted virtually. There is a new page on Trinity's website (Vouchers). Please use this online form as a way to submit vouchers. If you need help learning this new system, please contact Kim.

Praise and Thanksgiving

For those requesting our prayers

Maureen, Janet, Rick, Marie, Jennifer, Joyce, Jacky, Gail, Alveta,

Bode, Gracie, Martha, Daniel, Shirley, Dan, Barbara, Lucille, Caroline,

Eric, Brent, Paula, Karen, Donna, Judy, Sarajane, Patricia

For those celebrating a birthday this week: 

Martha Dayton, Sandy Cruz, Karl Dirschel, Quinten Ewasko, Frank Brill


For those celebrating an anniversary this week: 

Katherine & Alex Hansen, Laura & Doug Main, Lois & Robert Mitchell

Trinity's Video - check it out!

Contact Us
Schedule a Meeting
Online Giving
Safe Church Training

There are events happening at Camp Washington - click here to learn more!

We are proud to be a parish in The Episcopal Church within 

The Episcopal Church in Connecticut.

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