First Live Lesson for iSOSY OSY was a Success!
North Carolina OSY Susana, with her daughter on her lap, logged on to enjoy the iSOSY Live Lesson via Zoom.
Great news! Students may view this lesson now via the iSOSY Student Portal by visiting the "Recorded Lessons" page found HERE.
There were 15 students representing 11 states who joined the iSOSY team for the initial live lesson on Monday evening, August 1st.

South Carolina's Emily Williams led the class on Basic Salutations and Pronouns via Zoom. The students were enthusiastic and participated extremely well throughout the lesson.

Several asked if these lessons could happen on a regular basis since they so enjoyed learning and interacting with each other virtually. The answer is yes! There will be more lessons offered soon so look for upcoming announcements with details.

Thank you to all who made this new avenue for learning happen so effectively!