Serving the San Fernando Valley cities of Los Angeles, Burbank, Glendale, Calabasas, Hidden Hills, San Fernando, and Santa Clarita

Valley Industry & Commerce Association ||

February 23, 2024

In This Issue

  • VICA Takes a Stand on New State Legislation
  • VICA PAC Endorsements and Ballot Measures

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Sacramento Advocacy Day - 2/27

State Officeholders Dinner - 3/8

ACCESS D.C. - 3/12 - 3/14

Women in Leadership Breakfast - 4/26

“Today is an important day in Los Angeles County’s fight against homelessness. Our expansive region has notably lacked a formal forum where key decision-makers from multiple levels of government can convene, craft unified homelessness response policies, and cultivate shared plans for allocating resources. The Executive Committee will be our forum where these important conversations happen, transparently and with shared accountability.”

Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger

A statement on the Executive Committee for Regional Homeless Alignment

VICA's Takes a Stand on New State Legislation

With the February 16 deadline for new legislation behind us, VICA is taking decisive positions on crucial legislative proposals that could significantly impact the business community. This straightforward approach allows us to navigate and advocate for policies that align with the interests of our local industries.

VICA Supports AB 1928: Propels Freelancers and Gig Workers into a Balanced Work Landscape

VICA strongly supports Assembly Bill 1928 (Sanchez), which addresses the challenges posed by the current worker classification framework in California, particularly by repealing the “ABC test.”

Adopted in 2018, the test's three-part assessment to determine worker classification has proven impractical, especially with regard to part “B,” which examines whether services are performed outside of the usual course of an employer’s business. This has negatively impacted professionals ranging from journalists and musicians to gig workers, who may face reclassification based on the nature of their work.

AB 1928 recognizes the impracticalities of the ABC test and aims to foster a more balanced and business-friendly environment, allowing for flexibility and growth in local industries while acknowledging the nuances of modern work.

VICA Stands Against ACA 14's Threat to the UC System and Local Businesses

VICA opposes Assembly Constitutional Amendment 14 (Ortega), known as the Labor Standards Act at the University of California Act. This amendment would require the University of California (UC) system to enter contracts with businesses and vendors that pay prevailing wages, increasing costs for the UC system and businesses alike.

The UC system's strategic contracting approach sustains low costs, fostering partnerships with over 60,000 local vendors and businesses. ACA 14's prevailing wage requirements pose challenges for the Regents in maintaining service quality, and would harm small, disadvantaged, and minority-owned local entities.

With potential financial constraints exacerbated by the recent state budget proposal, ACA 14 may negatively impact service quality and economic growth while impeding students' access to resources and higher education.

VICA Supports AB 1779 and AB 1802 in the Battle Against Organized Retail Theft

VICA supports AB 1779 (Irwin) and AB 1802 (Jones-Sawyer), which would address concerns pertaining to organized retail crime.

AB 1779 aims to combat retail theft in California by eliminating jurisdictional restrictions and extending prosecution authority to the counties where crimes occurred. The bill recognizes the organized nature of retail crime, with major cities like Los Angeles consistently ranking high in theft rates. Enabling local jurisdictions to prosecute theft-related crimes enhances the legal process, fostering collaboration among law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and local governments.

AB 1802 seeks to extend penalties related to organized retail theft and the Regional Property Crimes Task Force until January 1, 2031, deterring repeat offenses and providing crucial resources to local law enforcement. Both bills contribute significantly to addressing the escalating challenges posed by organized retail theft in California.

VICA PAC 2024 Voter Guide

The VICA PAC Committee has made the following endorsements:

Board of Supervisors, District 5

Kathryn Barger

LA City Council, District 2

Adrin Nazarian

LA City Council, District 4

Ethan Weaver

LA City Council, District 6

Imelda Padilla

LA City Council, District 12

John Lee

The VICA Board of Directors has taken the following positions for the March 5 Ballot Measures

Proposition 1 (State Measure): Allocates funding for construction, expansion, and renovation of treatment facilities, supportive housing units, and outpatient services.


Healthy Streets LA (City Measure): Requires the city to prioritize street improvement measures including concept maps for connected networks of pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and vehicle routes


VICA is Looking for 2024 Board and Committee Sponsors

VICA is looking for members to host or sponsor our board meetings and committee meetings in the upcoming year. If your company can accommodate 20-40 individuals and provide breakfast or lunch, we have a committee opportunity for you!

As a host, you'll have the chance to extend a warm welcome, promote your organization and site, and be featured on each agenda with table cards throughout the meetings.

You can host/sponsor the entire committee for the year, or you can host/sponsor 1 meeting for the year, including the VICA Board Meetings.

Unable to host? Please consider sponsoring a meeting at the VICA office. As a sponsor, you'll provide meals for committee meetings while having your logo displayed on the meetings' agendas and table cards.

For details and available committee meetings, please visit the link below.

Sponsor a Board Meeting or Committee


VICA Thanks Our Renewing & New Members!

Renewing Members

Platinum Member

Silver Member

Bronze Member

New Members


VICA's State Officeholders Dinner provides guests a rare opportunity for Valley business leaders to connect and engage with state officeholders in a casual, fun for all format. VICA will provide cocktails, appetizers, and dinner for each attendee and great opportunities to network and speak with elected officials.


State Officeholders Dinner

Friday, March 8, 2024

5:30 - 9:00 PM

Soundstage 15 at Universal Studios Hollywood

VICA thanks our Presenting Sponsors Amazon, Comcast NBCUniversal, and Kaiser Permanente, and Co-Sponsors AT&T, JPMorgan Chase, PhRMA, Providence, SoCalGas, and Southwest Airlines

Click the "Register Here" Button to Register, or Click the "Sponsor This Event" Button to support VICA's State Officeholders Dinner!

Register Here
Sponsor This Event

Confirmed Elected Officials

Attorney General Rob Bonta

State Treasurer Fiona Ma

Senator Melissa Hurtado

Senator Steven Bradford

Senator Ben Allen

Assemblymember Mike Fong

Senator Maria Elena Durazo

Senator Scott Wilk

Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva

Assemblymember Miguel Santiago

Assemblymember Josh Hoover

Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur

Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo

Assemblymember PIlar Schiavo

Assemblymember Laura Friedman

Board of Equalization Member Antonio Vazquez

Sacramento Advocacy Days

Tuesday, February 27 I All Day

Tuesday, March 19 | All Day

Wednesday, April 10 | All Day

VICA's regular advocacy trips to the State Capitol are crucial for ensuring that the voice of the business community is heard by legislators.

These members-only trips allow attendees to interact directly with statewide elected officials, discussing the issues that are vital to our members. Join VICA in Sacramento for one of our monthly advocacy trips, and don't miss this opportunity to have your voice heard on how legislation affects your company/organization!

Click Here to Register for February 27
Click Here to Register for March 19
Click Here to Register for April 10

Save the Date

Extraordinary Women in Leadership Breakfast

Friday, April 26

8:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Healthcare Committee

Tuesday, March 5

Noon to 2:00 PM

At the VICA office

Co-Sponsored by Pacific Federal & Hospital Association of Southern California


Sports, Entertainment, Tourism, & Hospitality Committee

Tuesday, March 6

8:30 to 10:30 AM

At the VICA Office

Sponsored by Comcast NBCUniversal


Energy, Environment, Manufacturing, & Utilities Committee

Tuesday, March 7

Noon to 2:00 PM

At the VICA Office

Sponsored by Metropolitan Water District


Transportation Committee

Tuesday, March 12

8:30 to 10:30 AM

Hosted by The Garland


VICA in the News

Fear-Mongering on Measure HLA Ignores What's Really Scary - L.A.'s Deadly Streets

The Los Angeles Times | February 21

Hot News

State Budget Deficit Projected to Reach $73 Billion

The Legislative Analyst’s Office on Tuesday projected that California’s 2024-25 budget deficit would reach $73 billion, a $15 billion increase from their January estimate. As a result of this worsened financial outlook, Governor Newsom and legislators are expected to introduce budget cuts and increase oversight – including a plan from Speaker Robert Rivas to form a budget subcommittee in December to review the state’s spending on housing. Additionally, proposals to increase spending, including a single-payer healthcare effort by Assemblymember Ash Kalra, will likely face more staunch opposition. The Governor is expected to propose an updated budget in May and a final spending blueprint in June after negotiations with legislative leaders.

Candidates for Senate Participate in Final Debate Before Primary

Four candidates for California’s open Senate seat engaged in a final debate on Tuesday. Democratic representatives Adam Schiff, Barbara Lee, and Katie Porter participated alongside retired baseball player Steve Garvey, all to fill the seat vacated in September by the late Dianne Feinstein. The candidates fired back and forth at each other over issues ranging from affordable housing and child care to the Israel-Hamas war and climate change. Recent polling shows that Rep. Schiff is the race's frontrunner, with the primary election scheduled for March 5 before its top two vote-getters compete in November’s general election.

California Could Become First State to Apologize for Harms of Slavery

California has taken another step toward becoming the first state in America to apologize for the harms of slavery. Members of the state’s Legislative Black Caucus spoke at the State Capitol on Tuesday to tout the 2024 Reparations Priority Bill Package, part of a planned, multi-year legislative initiative whose goals include having the state officially apologize for the human rights violations, discriminatory laws and practices that California enacted after becoming a state in California. This comes in the wake of the state’s Reparations Task Force making more than 100 recommendations, including measures concerning criminal justice reform and economic investments in health, education, and business development in formerly redlined communities.

Biden Visits California to Drum Up Fundraising

President Biden visited California on Tuesday in bid to raise funds for his reelection bid in November. Biden’s three-day trip to the LA and San Francisco Bay areas marked his third visit to the Golden State in recent months, following a hiatus during last year’s WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. The President’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced on Tuesday that he collected more than $42 million from 422,000 donors in January. Biden, the clear frontrunner for the Democratic nomination, has been lagging behind former President Donald Trump in recent polls.

Member Messages

VICA members can sign up for this event at the VIA's member rate

Get Your Message in VICA Weekly!

VICA members can promote their business, events and news in VICA Weekly. Member messages are available for $50 per week or $175 for four weeks. Messages are text-based and may not contain more than 70 words. A logo may be added for an additional $5 per week. For more information or to schedule your member message, contact or call (818) 817-0545.


Presenting the business perspective on behalf of employers in the

San Fernando Valley cities of Los Angeles, Burbank, Glendale, Calabasas,

Hidden Hills, San Fernando and Santa Clarita.

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