Sunset Ridge Elementary Newsletter

Kindness Week

February 12th-16th

Sunset Ridge will be celebrating Kindness Week

February 12th-16th.

The purpose of Kindness Week is to recognize that simple day-to-day acts of kindness enable our schools, communities, and state to be a kinder, safer, healthier and more inclusive place to live, work, learn and play. Be on the lookout for ways to show kindness!

"Playing with Math"

Mrs. Priestley’s class in Fourth grade converted improper fractions and mixed numbers to decode the recipe for home made playdough. We used different measuring cups to estimate and compare fractions. 


Sunset Ridge News Club -Tuesdays February 6th, 13th, 27th

No Sunset Ridge News Club - February 20th (NO SCHOOL)

Chess Club - February 7th, 14th, 28 (no club 02/21)

March 6th, 13th, 20th

Futura Spanish Club - (Every Thursday AFTER SCHOOL)

 February 15th - April 11th

*some days may vary if no school

NO SCHOOL - STAFF PD DAY - February 19th & 20th


Spring Conferences 3pm-7pm - March 14th & 21st

SPRING BREAK (NO SCHOOL) - March 25th - 29th

Encore Night - Thursday April 25th

Sunset Ridge Students Place 3rd in

The 2024 Shorewood Hills

Chummy Chess Championship

Sunset Ridge students represented their school at

The 2024 Shorewood Hills Chummy Chess Championship held at

Shorewood Hills Elementary School on Feb 3rd.

Akshith - 4th grade

Tarun- 2nd grade

Kathir-3rd grade

Competed in K-5 category and secured 3rd place in Team championship. It was a hard fought tournament competing against 50 kids. 

Sunset Ridge Families, 

Last week, I shared a Winter Data Snapshot to describe how we analyze our math and reading data trends, plan professional learning, and make adjustments to help all kids succeed.  

So this week, I'm thinking about the parents out there whose children are not at the top of the proficiency bands in math and reading, but they still (rightfully) see their kids as talented and intelligent. And I'm thinking about the families whose kids are at the top of those proficiency bands but they're struggling with friendships, impulsivity, anxiety, or something else. 

I had a student who was so profoundly impacted by anxiety that he spent most of his year crying and hiding next to a water fountain in the hallway, and he scored higher on reading tests than any other kid. I also had a gregarious, creative, relational go-getter who talked a bunch of adults into funding a start-up project to make skateboarding more accessible and appealing to girls (but he bombed on all tests).  

Is it right to say the first student is a "success" and the second "failing?" I don't think so. And, as someone who really discovered my academic skills as a junior in college (when I went to Oxford University and got to direct my own learning), I'm sensitive about how we think about kids' talents and abilities, and the values we place on the metrics we have.  

Angela Duckworth, who is famous for her work around "grit" and "non-cognitive skills" and their predictive ability, writes that "not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." Said another way, it would be really hard to measure the gregariousness, creativity, and ability to woo others of that student who bombed on tests, but that doesn't lessen his talents. 

And, finally, people go through phases. I was a skater, and a jock, then a rock-n-roll guitarist, then an academic, then a Peace Corps volunteer, and then - in a surprise to everyone in my family, including me - an educator. People change, and grow. Some things might be areas of relative weakness or strength for a lifetime, but some might not have fully manifested yet.  

It's a treat for us to spend our days with your wonderful children at this phase of their lives, and we hope each child feels like they are recognized for their enormous inherent talents and potential! 

Brett Wilfrid

This Weeks Lunch Menu brought to you by

The Sunset Ridge Kitchen Staff

Links to The Lunch and Breakfast Menus

Breakfast Menu

Lunch Menu

KG LUNCH SIGN UP 10:40-11:00am

1ST GR LUNCH SIGN UP 11:00-11:20am

2ND GR LUNCH SIGN UP 11:30-11:50am

3RD GR LUNCH SIGN UP 11:50am-12:10pm

4TH GR LUNCH SIGN UP 12:00-12:20pm

Bridging Brighter Smiles

After School Care at Sunset Ridge:
Learn more about the PTA: