Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
By Elizabeth Sarah Larkin - Baby Gaga
"... To prove his paternity, the presiding judge ordered a DNA test, which was carried out. It was eventually revealed that the child wasn't his after all, devastating Sinawa. ..."
"... Years spent working in Family Law Courts, observing children caught in the middle of complicated custody battles led QC Darren Mort to want to reach out to the children themselves, to reassure them that they are more than pawns in a very adult battle. ..."
By Kristan Obeng - Lansing State Journal
"... Michigan residents aren't heading to divorce court as often as they used to. Divorce petitions declined statewide by 17.9% from 2003 to 2017, according to Michigan Supreme Court data. ..."
By Sara-Jayne King - Cape Talk
"... Parental alienation occurs when one parent deliberately damages or even severs the relationship between a child and the other parent. This is a violation of children’s rights and is now officially recognised by the World Health Organisation as a "caregiver-child relationship problem". ..."
"... “Their whole world is torn apart. The mom and dad they’ve known as a unit, as a couple, the family is now disbanded. They’ve had no control over that and they’ve had no choice over that,” she said. ..."
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