Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... There is no law that requires businesses to offer baby changing stations in both women’s and men’s restrooms, but across the country they are becoming more and more standard. ..."
"... Only 15 percent of respondents strongly agreed that they can balance work and family responsibilities, which Associate Professor Hill said shows a clear gap between what young workers expect and the current level of support at home and in the workplace. ..."
By Carolyne Munano & Stella Adi - Daily Nation
"... The ultimate goal of every parent is the stability and well-being of their child. For that sake alone, you can overcome co-parenting hurdles and develop a cordial working relationship with your ex. ..."
"... Most importantly, 50/50 custody has to be in the best interest of the children because ultimately this is what the court will be looking at. ..."
"... Parental alienation can no longer be a topic that is swept under the rug. It is currently the elephant in the room, even though it is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. It also defines alienation as psychological abuse involving a dysfunctional parent-child interaction; abuse that should be identified and handled as any other form of abuse. ..."
"... Police say a 6-year-old Michigan girl has been located safe in Ottawa and her mother has reportedly been arrested. ..."
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Family Reunion | 661-829-6847 | [email protected] |
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