St. Bernard's Academy Newsletter

September 2, 2022

Congratulations to Alexandra and Nate

Congratulations to Nathaniel Le and Alexandra Nilsen for earning awards from the College Board National Recognition Program. They are being recognized for their academic achievements and outstanding performance on the PSAT/NMSQT PSAT and AP Exams. Both students excelled in College Board assessments and are recipients of the National Rural and Small Town Award.

Grub Hub Starts Tuesday!

Click below to see what the Grub Hub will be serving. Menu plans are subject to change based on availability. 

Grub Hub Menu

Grub Hub Needs Help! 

If you have some time during the day and would like to help feed the students while making money to remodel the kitchen, please click the link below and sign up. Thank you! 

Sign-up to Help!

Middle School Sports Update

The volleyball and soccer seasons have begun. Middle School Golf has been moved to the spring due to course availability.

If you are interested in these sports, you can still join the fun. Stop by the office for information. 

High School Sports Update

On Saturday, the Hoopa Warriors will travel to Crusader Field for a 1:00 pm (varsity only) game. Tennis will have their first match of the season at Eureka High School starting at 10:00 am. 

We are also getting a Cross Country team going so if you are interested in being a part, please sign up in the office. 

Here is what’s happening this week in Crusaderville!

September 6

Tennis at Arcata, 3:30 

SB Volleyball at Eureka, JV - 5:30, Varsity - 6:30

September 7

McKinleyville Volleyball at St. Bernard’s, JV - 5:30, Varsity - 6:30

September 8

St. Bernard’s Volleyball at Arcata, JV - 5:30, Varsity - 6:30

September 9

SB Football @ Montgomery (Santa Rosa) JV - 4:30, Varsity - 7:00 

JV Volleyball @ Carmichael Tourney

Varsity Volleyball at Arcata Tournament

Girls Soccer at McKinleyville Tournament 

Entry prices for all athletic events are set by the HDNL: SB students - free at home games, Visiting students - $3.00, Senior Citizens - $3.00 and Adults - $6.00.

Family passes are now available for purchase at the front office or at the gate for $200.00.

Our goal is for as many of our students to attend this as possible.

Our very own Ms. Scott is one of the keynote presenters. There will be no

practices or games during this time. 

Upcoming Events

Monday, September 5th - Labor Day - No School

Friday, September 9th - Prayer Service - Mass Dress/Dress nicely

Monday, September 12th - Parents Guild Meeting 6:00 pm

Tuesday, September 13th - North Coast College and Career Expo at College of the Redwoods from 5:30pm to 8:00pm

Wednesday & Thursday, September 14th and 15th - Picture Days

Click for school calendar
Students in Action

Seniors leave their mark.

Seventh graders enjoying their

new adventure. 

 Art students working hard.

Middle School soccer started this week. 

Congratulations to the Omey Family.

West Point Ring Ceremony, Class of 2023

3 Generations of Crusaders

The Bareilles Family

The Altic Family

Ways to Support our Students
Box Tops for Education (SB school ID is 195539)
Amazon Smile (St. Bernards Catholic Schools)
For more school activities; follow us on Social Media. Click below
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