Women InSpirit, Inc.

Supporting and empowering women globally

to become all God has called them to be.



“We educate women because it is smart.

We educate women because it changes the world.”- Drew Faust

Message from Our President

Happy New Year! I hope this finds you all well and enjoying the beginning of 2024.  

Our Board of Directors met for our annual meeting two weeks ago to discuss our budget for the upcoming year. I am thrilled to report that due to the generous donations from our donors, 2023 was a wonderful year. Not only are we able to continue to support our current projects in Ghana (an elementary student, a high school student, 2 sewing schools, and 9 college students), we will be able to re-open our sewing school in Agbogbloshie in the slums of Accra, fund the schooling for 3 additional college students, and 1 past recipient who is a 2nd Grade teacher returning to school to get a needed higher education (“top up”) as required credentials have changed in Ghana to teach.

There is nothing like confirming to our current students that we can continue to aid in their education; and informing new women who are desperate to get an education, that we can help them this year.

God bless you, our donors, for allowing us to educate and empower these women. I assure you they are each grateful and pass on, “God bless the donors of Women InSpirit.”  I wish the same blessings. God Bless You.

Jennifer Appling


Asedare, Freda, Gloria, Francisca


Asedare, Freda, Gloria and Francisca are four of our 8 soon-to-be graduates from our Women InSpirit Tailoring school in Bolgatanga, Ghana.

The GNTDA (Ghana National Tailors and Dressmakers Association) reports that our girls are doing a beautiful job, have learned well and are ready to graduate! We will be gearing up soon to get the final plans for graduation day in order. Thanks to all who have supported us financially and for those who continue to pray for the success of our mission. You are empowering these young women to become skilled tailors. Because of you, these gals will have a much brighter future than they could have imagined.


Catherine is happy because she now has a chance to officially attend classes at our school in Bolgatanga. She is thankful for the scholarship to begin sewing school provided by Michelle and Bruce Wohlwend. So are we! Thank you, Wohlwends!

Talata (who has been learning peripherally at the sewing school each day) and Tallata (a young 16yr old mother of a little baby, Florence) are both very excited and grateful to the Lake Travis Ladies of Charity for their sewing scholarships. These girls will begin as soon as the previous class graduates in March or April. Thank you to Ladies of Charity!

"I believe educating myself at the higher level would expose me to greater ideas and knowledge to also help my society, especially women. With the help of God and with your help, I am very much convinced that I would become the woman I want to be one day."


Sarah, 24, is now a beneficiary of one of Women InSpirit's scholarships. We met Sarah this summer when she waited on our table at the Ganass Hotel in Bolgatanga. Her co-worker spoke with us aside to tell us how hard working Sarah is and that she felt Sarah would be a great candidate for us. Sarah, an orphan since she was very small, is a waitress who has been saving for school as she works to also help feed her auntie who takes care of her. She is now a Freshman at St. John Bosco Teacher Training College in Navrongo studying to be a teacher of Home Economics. Sarah describes herself as "a very determined young lady who aspires to work hard to be successful in life, especially with experience with poverty and the struggle of women in my village. I grew up with my Auntie who struggles on daily basis to provide for our basic needs. I am determined to change the narrative."

May you be able to walk your path with grace and joy always. -Jean Newton

Wishing you blessings and joy on your journey!! You are a doll! -Melanie Fox

Praying that you receive many blessings for beautiful success. -Mary Kay Hinkle


Aisha (Ayishetu), 23, comes from a family of 6. Because her sickly father makes a low wage as an interpreter in court and her mother does menial work, Women InSpirit has offered to assist Aisha in continuing her studies. Like Sarah, she is enrolled as well at St. John Bosco College of Education in Navrongo, Ghana. There she is studying technology. Aisha says, "Education is of utmost importance to me, and I am determined to excel academically. I am deeply grateful for the work that your organization does to make education accessible to those in need. I promise to use this opportunity to excel academically and contribute positively to society in the future."

Tammy Bianco-Sweed

Wishing a fabulous school year my dear!

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All donations are tax-deductible and 100% of profits

go toward our educating young women.


We are happy to announce that our Raise 'N Graze Fundraiser this year will be on November 2, 2024 at a new venue- the wonderful Riverbend Country Club in Sugar Land! Thank you to RCC for working with us to make this a great event. We are looking forward to it!


Thelma, our Student since undergraduate work at KNUST, is in her 2nd year of her Doctorate program now and looks forward to graduating in October 2025. She has been traveling with her new friends whenever she gets the chance. " I loved Portugal a lot. Especially their cuisines. I'm really grateful for my friends as well because I don't feel lonely in a foreign land."


Memorial cards are a personal way to acknowledge the passing of a friend or loved one. Please consider supporting us when looking for a "Pay it forward" gift of acknowledgement.


Women InSpirit will promptly send out this heartfelt card to the family of the deceased keeping your donation hidden.


We consider all donations generous! Inside our folded card, the recipients will learn that you have made a generous donation to Women InSpirit in memory of their loved one. Your address will accompany your name for their convenience.


  1. Make checks payable to Women InSpirit, Inc. to: Women InSpirit, Inc. 2022 Plantation Dr., Richmond, TX 77406
  2. OR go to womeninspiritinc.com to make a donation
  3. OR hit the donation button on this newsletter to make a donation


Email Women InSpirit at womeninspirit@oaco.net. Include: a) your (Sender's) name(s) and address, b) the name of person being honored (deceased, gifted, honored), and 3) name and address of recipient of card (ex: family of deceased, friend of honored...)



President: Jennifer Appling

Vice President: Martha Wagner

Treasurer: Kelly Boyd

Financial Secretary: Jerilyn Lewis

1st Member-at-Large:Michele Wohlwend

2nd Member-at-Large: Katie Lewis Thomsen

Member: Donna Wheeler

Founder, Ex-Officio, Secretary: Maribeth Anderson


Women InSpirit is run by

women, for women.


  • College- $2800-3000
  • All college fees include stipends for tuition, lodging, feeding, books, medical
  • Tailoring School- $1500
  • Tailoring fees include machine, stipends for transportation, fabrics and notions, hot daily lunch, and maintenance of sewing machines.

Email: womeninspirit@oaco.net