Keep McIntosh Beautiful

"Working Together

for a Clean, Green and

Beautiful McIntosh County"

Newsletter February 2024

WELCOME! You are receiving this newsletter as a KMB member, friend, volunteer or supporter to stay updated on KMB news, events, and volunteer opportunities. YOU make KMB activities possible, and through your actions every day, you help keep our community clean, green, and beautiful. THANK YOU!

National Arbor Day is celebrated in April. What you may not know is that each state celebrates Arbor Day from January to May depending on the regional season for planting trees

The State of Georgia celebrates its Arbor Day on the third Friday in February. It’s a day to reflect on the importance of trees in our state and across the nation. Scientific research keeps adding to the evidence that trees are essential to global environmental health. So go plant a tree, play outside, enjoy the beauty of trees, create art inspired by trees, or honor trees in any way that pleases you!

Happy Valentine's Day!

From candy hearts to chocolate kisses, this is the season of Valentine's Day candy. Keep McIntosh Beautiful wants to encourage our community to recycle their used candy wrappers with a Rubicon Trash or Treasure box! We can make sure this would-be-waste is diverted from landfills and repurposed for future use.

By participating in Trash or Treasure™, you don't have to trash those candy wrappers and doom them to an eternity in a landfill - or, even worse, in our oceans.

Join us in turning this "sweet" holiday into a more sustainable celebration! Thank you Rubicon and the National Wildlife Federation! The Trash or Treasure™ box is located at The Coastal Market in Darien. *CANDY WRAPPERS ONLY*


Get ready for this year's GREAT AMERICAN CLEANUP! Let's make this THE GREATEST! This year's Keep America Beautiful events will take place from March 19 through June 20. Here in McIntosh County, we'll start MARCH 9! We'll have all the supplies. You just come ready to clean up! Location TBD. Watch for updates on Facebook & Instagram!

Not just March 9, Keep McIntosh Beautiful is challenging the whole community to get outside and #CLEANYOURBLOCK! If you have adopted a highway, park or spot, plan a day in March for pickup. Or get a group together and plan a pickup on the waterfront or in your neighborhood. Would you rather plan something besides litter pickup? Other awesome ideas below. Let me know the date/time of your project and I'll announce it for you in case others want to join in. I'll also make sure you have bags, trash grabbers, buckets, vests, snacks and water. EXCITING!

During the Great American Cleanup, Keep America Beautiful affiliates (like KMB), partner organizations, corporate partners and millions of volunteers:

The Great American Cleanup, Keep America Beautiful’s signature community improvement national program, encourages everyone to participate in creating a country in which every community is a clean, green, and beautiful place to live.

Timothy and Karinna Karsten, along with KMB Executive Director Tracy Sanford, visited with Robert Todd’s 3rd Year Audio Video Technology class at McIntosh County Academy. What a great group of 11 teens! Student Grayson (pictured with the Karstens) will lead the group. Their assignment is to create a relatable video about recycling for our community. Their goal is to make RECYCLING easier to understand and downright groovy. #communitystrong By recycling our materials, we create a healthier planet for ourselves and future generations. Stay tuned for the premiere…

THANK YOU! We love being recognized for our efforts and appreciate all the support we receive from Keep America Beautiful, Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation, and our amazing neighbor affiliates. We were soooo busy cleaning, greenin’ and beautifying to go to the Capitol Feb. 8 so they mailed it. The acknowledgment is highly appreciated!


was a huge SOLD-OUT SUCCESS! Perfect weather! Lots of community folks came out to have fun and support KMB! You all showed us lots of LOVE! Silent Auction. Shrimp Raffle. Wine/Whiskey Toss. Michael Hulett.

Our SPONSORS don't just help one evening, their generosity helps us keep going all year! THANK YOU to our 2024 Fundraiser Chairman Selso Tello, the Board Members that pitched in as Committee Chairs, our KMB Members and Volunteers, soooo many Silent Auction donations... #COMMUNITYSTRONG. To see a few hundred more cool photos, the people and businesses that played a part in ensuring the event was a success, and to stay updated on upcoming events, follow us on Facebook!

A BIG THANKS TO ALL OF OUR ADOPT-A HIGHWAY, PARK OR SPOT VOLUNTEERS THROUGHOUT MCINTOSH COUNTY! There are still plenty of miles and places needing some TLC. Please consider making this a way you help keep our community clean, green and beautiful!


The Darien-McIntosh County Chamber of Commerce hosted an outstanding gala Feb, 2. KMB was a finalist for Non-Profit of the Year. "It was an honor to get so many votes from our community. Thank you to KMB’s volunteer Board of Directors and the volunteers that show up and give so much of themselves, their time and energy. Everybody in McIntosh is exceedingly encouraging and supportive! Lifting others up makes us stronger. And this little community… y’all don’t leave anybody behind. We’re ALL risin’ together! And together we make a difference. And wowser, it feels good."

Had a blast at Second Saturday - Downtown Darien (Jan. 13)! Thanks Board Member Julie Sowell for volunteering all day! We distributed most of our native live oak seedlings. Enjoyed chatting and sharing ideas and info with the many visitors locally and from other communities. #WELOVEWHEREWELIVE


Looking for a way to remove an abandoned building or mobile home from your property? Keep McIntosh Beautiful may be able to help.

Dilapidated and abandoned buildings are eyesores that detract from our community’s appearance and reduce the value of the property where they are located. They can also be unsafe and unhealthy nuisances that are locations for criminal activity. Very often, cost is the reason these derelict structures aren’t removed.

To address the problem in McIntosh County, we offer financial assistance to owners for the demolition and removal of them from their property.

Structures must be located in McIntosh County, unoccupied, and beyond repair to qualify. 

Informative and (always) Fun Coffee & Connect Jan. 18! Thank you to the Karstons from Partners for a Sustainable McIntosh and Darien-McIntosh County Chamber of Commerce!

KMB needs your support and your volunteer participation. Please join us or renew your membership for 2023-24 TODAY! It's easy to do on our website, with a downloadable form or with PayPal.

Keep McIntosh Beautiful is a volunteer-based, self-funded 501(c)3 non-profit affiliate of Keep America Beautiful and the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation, but we receive no funds from either organization or financial support from any government entity.

Individual and local business support is VITAL for our operation and to fund KMB activities for Litter Prevention and Control; Recycling, Education; Beautification Projects & Abandoned Buildings Removal Assistance Program, benefitting Darien & McIntosh County.

Thank you!  



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