October 1, 2022
'Red Wave in River City' Inspires Members Ahead of Mid-Term Elections
Above: IowaFRW members and guests display Republican pride at the Historic Park Inn in Mason City during the 2022 Fall Conference.
The Iowa Federation of Republican Women held the 2022 Fall Conference on Saturday, September 24 in Mason City, Iowa. Attendees enjoyed a delicious fall buffet lunch prepared by hotel staff.

Iowa Representative Steve Holt, House District 12, spoke knowledgeably about the "Right to Bear Arms" amendment on page 2 of the November 8 Iowa ballot. Rep. Holt floor managed the amendment and explained the critical importance of passing this ballot measure. Iowa is one of only six states without protections in its Constitution for the right to keep and bear arms. The amendment reads as follows:

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The sovereign state of Iowa affirms and recognizes this right to be a fundamental individual right. Any and all restrictions of this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.

Iowa Representative Jane Bloomingdale spoke about the tax cuts that were enacted with the last legislative session, and spoke about addressing property tax reform the upcoming session.

Linda Upmeyer updated members on RPI activities and 'Build the Bench' to encourage more people to run for office, especially at the local level.

Former Secretary of State and potential US presidential candidate, Mike Pompeo, greeted the attendees with a video welcome.

Thanks to Northern Iowa Republican Women for their extra effort as host club, including a fun silent auction!
As part of the fall conference, several IowaFRW members gathered at the nearby Ventura Gun Club for a trap shooting lesson. Beginning members received lessons and guidance from experienced staff.
Upcoming IowaFRW and Election Events

October 10, 2022, 11am Central Time
NFRW Interview with Iowa 3rd Congressional Candidate
Please register in advance for the event to receive the Zoom link:
October 14, 2022Strike Force Kickoff
Plan an event with your local IowaFRW sisters to build energy and enthusiasm for Team GOP
October 15, 2022Strike Force Saturday
Work from West Des Moines, Davenport, Cedar Rapids, or from home!
Volunteer and Get Republicans Elected!

Tuesday, November 8
Election Day!

Visit IowaFRW.org often for updated schedules and details